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A white squeaky and old pick up truck was driving beside us the whole car ride to set. Even with my window rolled up all I heard was squeak squeak. Squeak this, squeak that, and not even Conan Gray could cover it up. Eventually, I had turned my music up so loud to cover the squeaks that when mom had pulled up to a red light, the guy in the drivers seat of the squeak mobile had rolled down his window and began waving his hand in front if my own. I rolled my window down and he began shouting at me. 

"Can you turn that shit music down! For fucks sake!" he had shouted, beginning to roll up his window. 

"Turn your car's squeak down first asshole!" I shout back as the light turned green.

The guy stopped rolling his window up, and rolled it down as I told my mom, "Mom! Drive drive drive!" with goggles escaping my lips.


Mom had practically sped to set, which I thought was funny because she never really sped while driving.

"Will you call me when to pick you up?" Mom asks me as I reach for the door handle, "Of course. Bye love you." I reply, "Love you too." she smiles as I get out of the car. 


"Okay so. I would like for us today, to begin practicing our lines with each other for scene 1. Meaning we will be on set practicing, and hopefully by Tuesday- today being Sunday- we can begin filming scene 1." Jonas told us all.

Scene 1 consisted of Sophia and Jackson walking down the beach to the shack where they were going to meet up with Cash. The scene ended with Sophia and Jackson entering the shack when Jackson says he will explain everything when Cash arrives.

I had memorized my lines, I'm pretty sure Malachi had too which would be extremely helpful, and hopefully, Jamie had memorized his too so we can begin filming soon.

We all- all meaning me, Malachi, Jamie, and then the background people on the beach- nodded our heads to Jonas's statement before he told us to gather on set and we would begin practicing.

"Hey Maliah. How'd you sleep?" Malachi asks me, "I had a good 3 hours of sleep thanks to you." I laugh. "Hey. I just wanted to stay on call so I could teach you how I make my ramen, I didn't say we had to stay on call until 4 in the morning." he states. 

"Um, I'm pretty sure you were the one who kept saying 'wait no stay stay stay'" I reply, "Yeah maybe before midnight! After that I stopped!" he defended.

"Whatever, I'm just not staying up that late ever again. It's such a bitch to wake up when you go to sleep at four in the morning. And plus we have school tomorrow." I state, "Oh yeah, I was talking with Logan yesterday and Niko and Aiden, they said you can sit with us at lunch tomorrow." Malachi states, "Thanks, but I'm good. I want to sit with Nova, I was supposed to call her last night and I didn't." I reply.

"I can ask if she can sit with us too." he states, "If she can sit with you guys too, then I'm down." I reply.


"Okay! Shall we get started?" Jonas asks.

Me and Malachi nod our heads since we're on set for the opening scene.

When we film it, there will actually be a beach and a shack on the beach, but since we're just practicing, we're using what we have.


"So you're telling me that there's gold here?" Sophia asks Jackson as they walk beside each other along the beach.

"Do you not believe me?" Jackson asks her back, "Jackson, you're my best friend, but you're also my stupid best friend and I mean that in the least rude way possible. I just, don't think that there's gold here. I mean we live in Hawaii for Christ's sake. Was there a gold rush in Hawaii? No. So there's not gold here now." Sophia answers.

𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘈𝘊𝘏𝘐 𝘉𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘖𝘕Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora