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"Maliah are you okay? You've been to the bathroom like twice in the past ten minutes?" Malachi asks as me and Felicia walk to set.

"Yeah, I'm just stressed, I guess. With school and stuff." I answer, "Oh well. I hope you feel better." He replies, "Yeah. Thanks." I smile.

"Okay. Does anyone else need to use the bathroom?" Jonas asks, we all shake our head no.

"Okay, shall we get started then?" he asks, we all nod our head and get into our positions for the scene.

"Okay and... ACTION!" he calls.

"Have you felt anything... I don't know, different between us lately?" Jackson asks, "I mean I don't know. I've been focused on the gold." I shrug.

"Come on Sophia. I know you've felt it too." He says, "Felt what?" I ask.

"I don't know, feelings for me?" he finally states.

"You think I have feelings for you?" I ask.

"I don't know. You've been sending me mixed signals the past 2 months!" he answers, "Well I don't know what you want me to tell you Jackson!" I exclaim.

"Just tell me the truth." He sighs, "What truth? You're being so confusing right now!" I reply.

"Do you like me or not?" he asks.

"I don't know." I answer quietly, "How do you not know? It's a simple question. Do you feel anything towards me? Like at all? Like do you ever just look at me and smile for no reason? I'm always on your mind? Anything?" he asks.

"I don't know. I mean I think of you but like only cause you're my best friend." I answer.

"So, you don't like me?" he asks, "I don't know Jackson!" I answer.

"Whatever. Tell me when you get your head straight." He replies, walking out of the shack.

I let him walk. He's mad, but I don't know. I've never really thought of having feelings for him, that way. Yeah, I think of him all the time, but that's only cause I'm hanging out with him all the time. Yeah, I smile when I look at him or think about him but only because he brings me joy and happiness. Oh.

"JACKSON!" I call, racing out of the shack.

"Jackson wait!"

"JACKSON." I shout, finally gaining his attention.

"We'll talk about it tomorrow, Sophia." He states.

"Yes." I say, grabbing his wrist and holding him back.

"Yes what?" he asks.

"Yes. Yes, I look at you and smile. Yes, I smile when I think about you. Yes, you're always on my mind. Yes, I like you. Yes, I feel something for you that's way more than feelings of a best friend." I answer.

"I thought you didn't know?" he asks, "Well clearly I do." I answer.

"Are you sure you're not just saying this because you don't like it when I'm mad at you?" he asks, "Yes." I answer.

"Are you actually posit- "

"Jackson just shut up and kiss me." I interrupt.

He takes a step forward and leans in but then stops. His brown eyes look into my own brown ones.

"I knew you liked me too." He says before slowly connecting his lips to mine.

Maybe this whole time I had actually liked Jackson. There's a thing called denial you know. But whenever I thought of liking him, I could just never picture it. It just felt weird to think that I could like him, but now that we're standing here, right now, with our lips moving together, it feels right. Perfect, even.

"Steven was right, you are a good kisser." Jackson states, pulling away. "Don't even men-" I start to say but a seagull quacks loudly causing Jonas to call cut.

"We have to redo it." He states, "Redo those lines?" I ask, hoping we didn't have to redo the kiss.

"No starting from the line before the kiss."

I mentally groan and kill myself.

"Okay." I sigh.

"And ACTION!" he calls.

"I knew you liked me too." He says before slowly connecting his lips to mine once more.

Although we had just kissed literally like 4 seconds ago, I definitely felt something inside me turn. Maybe it was guilt for Nova. Regret, on my behalf. Complete, now that we're kissing. Whatever it was, I felt uncomfortable with.

"Steven was right, you are a good kisser." Jackson states, pulling away. "Don't even mention that." I laugh.

"So will you be my girlfriend?" he asks, "You didn't even tell me if you liked me back or not!" I respond.

"What do you mean, I just kissed you!" he replies, "Yeah because I told you to." I reason.

"Well of course I like you back. I wouldn't have kissed you if I didn't." he states, "Okay then." I reply.

"Wait so then will you be my girlfriend or not?" he asks, "No." I answer.

"What? I thought you liked me?" he asks, "I was kidding. Yes, I'll be your girlfriend." I laugh.

He connects our hands before we both start walking down the beach, giggling, and muttering little words and jokes to each other.


"You were nervous." I say to Malachi, "No I wasn't." he claims.

"Yes, you were. I could feel your hands getting sweaty." I reply with a smile, "Well yeah, it's hot." He speaks, finally taking his hand out of mine.

"Mhm." I reply, "Oh you're the one to talk! Your hands were sweaty too!" he claims, grabbing my hand again, proving my hand was in fact sweaty a bit.

"Yeah, because I was scared about the kiss you idiot." I reply, "Why?" he asks.

"One because Nova likes you, and two because I didn't want it to ruin our friendship." I shrug, "One, I could care less what Nova thinks about us kissing for a TV show, and two of course it wouldn't ruin our friendship. We know it was strictly just for the show and it didn't mean anything." He replies.

"Good because I really wanted to stay friends with you." I sigh, "Don't worry, you're not getting rid of me that easily." He replies, slinging an arm around my shoulders.

"Are you guys ready to swim?" Felicia asks, jogging over to us, "Yep." Malachi and I answer.

I smile at her to which she smiles back and winks.

"I don't like how close you two have gotten recently." Malachi says, looking between me and Felicia.

"Stay mad hoe." I tell him, "Stop calling me a hoe!" he replies.

"Okay." I reply, "Hoe."

KIERA SPEAKS: lmao oml 

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