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"Okay so go put on the dress. I wanna see how good you look in it." Malachi says.

I grab the dress and go put it on.

"I was thinking that I could maybe just wear my white converse. I know it's a premiere, but heels make my feet hurt and." I start, "Or when your feet hurt you can give me your shoes and I'll hold them." Malachi offers.

"That's sweet but there is no way you'd want to hold my shoes for a whole 5 hours." I say, "I will." He shrugs.

"Are you sure?" I ask, "Yep." He answers.

"Okay then. Now you're gonna help me pick out heels." I tell him, "No problem." He shrugs with a laugh.

"Okay so, which shoes do you think would match this dress?" I ask him, pulling out two different pairs of heels.

"Those ones." He answers, pointing to the pair in my left hand.

As I put the shoes down, I hear a knock on my door.

"It's Felicia." She states, "Come in!" I reply.

"I brought you guys some Chinese food." She states.

"Oh, thank you." I smile, "You can just set it down on the desk right there. Thank you."

"So, I'm thinking we leave here around... I don't know... in about 4 hours? That gives an hour to drive to the place." Felicia says, "Yeah that works. Oh, and can you help me with my makeup, I don't want Malachi to mess it up." I ask, "Yeah of course." She answers.

It wasn't long before I put on my dress and heels then sat down on the chair where Felicia started curling my hair while I applied basic makeup.

"How does that not burn your head?" Malachi questions, "Because she's not pressing the curling iron to my head." I answer with a laugh, "Ohhhh." He replies.

"How much longer?" he whines, "This is so boring."

"Girl." I reply, "Malachi, the keys are in my purse, you can go grab your outfit from the car and change into it while we're doing this." Felicia instructs, "Okie." He replies.

While he's gone, Felicia smiles at me through the mirror.

"I wish I was this pretty at 15." She says, "Don't worry, you're pretty now." I reply.

"So how is everything with Malachi?" she asks, "We're good. The kiss didn't mess with our friendship." I answer.

"So, is everything good with Nova then? No hurt feelings?" she asks, "Oh about that." I answer.

"What happened?" she asked.

"Basically earlier I was talking about the dresses and she asked if I was gonna wear it to hocoand then I told her that if I was going with her and a few other girl friends of mine, then I'd want to buy a new one to match them and then she said that she was going to prom with Malachi- which I'm totally fine with, woohoo for them- but then she started saying that now that we're done filming, Malachi is gonna be spending less time with me, Jamie, Aiden, and Niko, and more time with her and so I told her that he's not like that and that he likes us all equally and then she got mad. She started saying that every guy she likes I take from her and that I knew she liked Malachi but I still kissed him and I tried telling her that it was just for the show and that it didn't mean anything- which to be honest, it kinda did mean something- and then she's like, I'm done with you, you're such a hoe and then Malachi came in and then so Nova asked him about the kiss and he's like yeah we kissed for Seasonal Outrage and he just had to say that I was a good kisser, which got her upset and then she asked him if he liked her and then he friend zoned her and then she's like see Maliah this is why you don't kiss your best friend's guy, even though they weren't even together! Or talking! But yeah, and then she left and told us to have fun finding dates to prom because she's gonna tell the whole school that Malachi got me pregnant EVEN THOUGH HE DIDN'T! And so, then Malachi said that we'll find some way to fix it. But yeah. So long story short, Nova's mad me and Malachi kissed and now she's gonna tell the whole school that he got me pregnant at 15 when he didn't." I explain, all in almost one breath.

𝗔𝗖𝗧𝗜𝗢𝗡 𝘔𝘈𝘓𝘈𝘊𝘏𝘐 𝘉𝘈𝘙𝘛𝘖𝘕Where stories live. Discover now