"What about you four?" Remus turned to the de Oros. "This is very advanced magic, beyond the Ordinary Wizarding Level."

"You really think that's going to stop us?" Tobi asked, crossing his arms with a smirk while his siblings agreed.

"No, I didn't think so." Remus shook his head, glancing at Tobi for a moment and smiling at the fact how much he reminded him of James and his bravery. "Well, everything's prepared. The spell I'm going to teach you is called the Patronus Charm. Did you ever hear of it?"

"I've read about it." Tommy replied while the other four Mini-Marauders shook their head and Remus smiled at the boy, asking him to explain. "A Patronus is a positive force. It's like a shield that a wizard can conjure. The dementor will feed on it rather than the wizard."

"But in order for it to work, you need to think of a memory. Not just any memory, a very happy memory, a very powerful memory," Remus added and turned to the group. "Can you do this?"

"Close your eyes. Concentrate. Explore your past. Do you have a memory? Allow it to fill you up. Lose yourself within it. Then speak the incantation, Expecto Patronum."

When Teo thought of a happy memory, there were so many moments in his life his mind was drawn to. Playing Quidditch for the first time— Meeting Flynn, falling in love with him. Getting his first Hogwarts letter with his siblings. The Christmas break that had just past— Wait, that's it. Not the Christmas break that had just past, but the first Christmas dinner during their first year at Hogwarts.

His siblings had finally forgiven him for being an ass, and he had reunited with his family. Alex, Lily, Carina, Valencia, Monroe, and his godmother, Rosalie. She taught him French for the first time that. He had felt so loved that night after a whole semester of Slytherins treating him like shit. He had loved himself that night. He believes that on that night, apart of him accepted the fact that he was gay.

When Tommy needed to escape the world, just for a few moments, there was always one place his mind returned. It was the night him and his brothers realized how much Thea's mental health had declined. But still, that was his memory. In bed with Eva, just staring at each other and whispering every once in a while.

He promised her he would always be there for her. He had promised her forever— They had promised each other forever. It was the first time Tommy got to be with Eva for an entire night. That night, as he stared into those dark eyes of her and they just watched each other— That was the first time he knew he loved Evanora Saito with everything in him. "You were my escape, Tommy." Little did Eva know, she was his escape too.

Surely Tobi had a more happy memory then the Hufflepuff party from a few weeks ago. It was the first night he had forgotten about Charlie for a few hours. Something happy. Think Tobi, think. It was a distant memory, but it was there. He had rewatched all those years ago, with the bottle his father sent him. He and his siblings were young, only three-years-old, but the memory was so lively.

His parents and the Marauders had just gotten home from a Phoenix Order meeting, but of course, young Tobi didn't know that. Alejandra and Emanuel greeted their children, kissing their foreheads and saying "te amo." Then James had picked up Tobi easily, spinning him around the room. Everyone was happy, even in the middle of a war. His family was together— His mom was alive. Tobi could hear his own laughs, and James' voice when he had offered him a fake sword. "You're on, warrior!"

The memory that was at the core of Thea's heart was the day her mother died. It sounds morbid, she's aware, but that was the memory. Yes, her mother died that day, but there was a moment in which Thea was the happiest she had ever been. She was sitting in her mother's lap, wrapped in a blanket that smelt like jasmine and her mother. Tobi and Teo ran around with paper airplanes in their hands, while Tommy ran after them to catch up.

Then the four quadruplets and their parents sat at the dinner table, ready to eat. It was stormy outside, but Teo told Thea not to be afraid. She knew he would protect her. Her entire family would. That night, little three-year-old Thea stared around at her dinner table— Looking at her family. In that moment, she was happy. Her family surrounded her and she could feel their love for her. Everyone was there, and safe, and alive.

The four de Oros closed their eyes in the dark arts classroom before taking their wands out, pointing it at the dementor. "Expecto Patronum!"


"Ms. de Oro, stay behind for a moment." Thea froze when her godfather called her. Cedric let go of his girlfriend's hand before taking her books.

"I'll wait for you outside." Cedric whispered to her.

"It's fine, I'll meet you in the Great Hall for dinner." Thea waved him off and gave him a smile before turning to Remus. "What's up, Uncle Moony?"

"I confiscated something very interesting from Harry a few weeks ago, and after learning that you have an affinity for performing spells that you are too young to do," Remus began to explain. "Specifically, a duplication spell, I thought I would ask you if you know what the Marauders map is."

"Is that a cult?" Thea questioned innocently and Remus gave her a stern look. "Eva snitched, didn't she?"

"It's amazing what teenagers will tell you after you adopt them and agree to take them under your care." Remus smirked and held his hand out. "The map, Thea."

Letting out a sigh, Thea reached into her bag and pulled out the map, which currently looked like a simple piece of parchment.

"This kind of irresponsibility I expect from Harry or Tobi or Teo, but not from you, Luna," Remus sighed, taking the parchment from the girl. "If this got in the wrong hands, it could lead a specific uncle of yours right to Harry or Carina or you! Did you not realize that?"

"It didn't exactly cross my mind, and I don't just leave the map anywhere." Thea replied. "But yeah, it could be bad."

"Yes, it could be very bad," Remus agreed. "Go to dinner."

"Love you too, Uncle Moony."

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