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     IT HAD BEEN A MONTH SINCE Thea came clean about Dominic. Telling her father was an emotional experience for both the father and daughter, and after spring break, Emanuel came to Hogwarts and didn't leave until Dominic left the school for being expelled, which he did. Thea doesn't think she'll ever forget the looks on her father and Remus's face when she told them. She told her Uncle Moony first, because the girl truly did not understand how she was supposed to look her father in the face and tell him what happened.

"Thea, how could you not tell me or your father about this before?" Remus bent down to be eye-level with his niece, who had tears streaming down her face as they stood in her room the day after the quads had returned from Hogwarts. Thea sat on the bed, not wanting to face her uncle. She could tell how serious he was, very rarely did he call her 'Thea' ever since they reconnected. It was always 'Luna' or 'little Moon,' or something like that. Her head hung in shame and Remus sighed. He placed a hand on her shoulder, seeing the tears on her face. "Little Luna, look at me. Moon."

The girl lifted her head up to face her Godfather and he smiled comfortingly at her. Remus whispered, "Don't for a moment think I am mad at you. Your father and I care so incredibly much about you, you're my goddaughter, Moon. We just want you to be safe and know that you're loved. He is not going to be mad at you, or disappointed in you."

"Will you help me tell him after dinner?" Thea whispered and Remus nodded. She immediately hugged him tightly, the feeling of being safe beginning to surround her once again. Remus hugged her back just as tight, holding her close. "Thank you, Uncle Moony."

"Of course, Luna." Remus told her, kissing the top of her head. "Everything is going to be fine. Now, have some chocolate. It'll make you feel better."


"Uncle Moony, so you'll take us to Diagon Alley tomorrow while Papa is at work?" Tobi asked, turning to his uncle as the three de Oro boys began to stand up after dinner.

"Yes, we'll leave at 10:00," Remus agreed and looked at Emanuel. "You could come too, Flame."

"I can't, I have work," Emanuel shook his head. "You know this, Moony."

"I don't know why you're still working your Muggle job," Remus scoffed. "You could easily get a better one in the Wizard World, you have plenty of connections."

"But then we'll have to move to a Wizard town in England to make it easier and all that," Emanuel rambled. "Moving and the paperwork and all that. It's a lot of work to disappear from the Muggle world and into the Wizard one."

𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now