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   THE RIDE HOME FROM Hogwarts was full of Thea simply panicking over having to confront Teo while Fred and George tried to calm her down. Tommy and Tobi just stayed silent, also not enthusiastic about having to see their brother. The five all sat in one compartment that is originally meant for four, but they were all pretty small. Dread filled Thea's chest as the train came to a stop, meaning they have arrived.

She almost forgot about her dilemma for a moment when she saw her father standing at the station, waiting for them. Thea smiled and ran into her father's arms, "Papa!"

"Geez, Thea! Have you gotten taller, mi corazón? I think you got taller." Emanuel joked, hugging his daughter tightly.

"Yeah, right." Tobi scoffed as he and Tommy walked up to their dad, each taking their turn to hug him.

"Boys," Emanuel smiled before noticing there was only three of them. "Where's Teo?"

"Don't know, don't care." Tobi rolled his eyes and Thea stayed silent.

"Also, he goes by Teodor now." Tommy sighed.

"Is that so?" Emanuel questioned before seeing his oldest get off the train. "Teodor!"

Surprisingly, Teodor walked off the train alone, no Slytherins surrounding him. Emanuel waved to the boy, and he quickly walked out. Thea saw the twins with Molly Weasley and ran over, "Hi Mrs. Weasley!"

"Thea, how nice to see you!" Molly smiled, hugging the girl for a moment. "Had your father informed you that you and your family will be joining us for Christmas dinner?"

"Yes, he has," Thea nodded. "I'm very excited, I was just wondering, is it possible you have room for seven more people?"

Molly didn't hesitant for a moment, immediately nodding, "Of course! The more, the merrier of a Christmas it will be!"

"Thank you so much, I'm having some of my dad's old friends from Hogwarts and their children stay with us." Thea explained and Molly smiled before Thea turned when she heard her dad calling. "Well, I better be going then, thank you again, Mrs. Weasley."

"Hey sunshine." Fred called before the twins hugged her tightly, making Thea smile.

"See you guys on Christmas." Thea grinned.


The air was thick and tense in the Barreno-de Oro house. The family of five sat at the dinner table, eating while Emanuel looked at children. Losing his patience, the father sighed, "Alright! What is going on with you four?"

𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now