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TRIGGER WARNING: abuse, read with caution.

    CHRISTMAS BREAK AT Hogwarts came and left, and it was a winter break full of Thea dodging every single question about boys and changing the subject every time her brothers brought up Dominic. She was aware her father probably suspected something, but he didn't ask directly— Therefore Thea didn't have to tell him. It was now January 10th, and everyone had just returned from break. Thea sat in her dorm with Poppy, Noelia, and Eva, catching up and unpacking.

Dominic had sent the girl many, many letters over the break and she always wrote back. She was afraid that he would get angry with her if she didn't reply back, but from his letters, it seemed like he was still upset with her. Thea wrote about the Hispanic food her grandma and Tia Val prepared for Christmas dinner, and the French desserts her Aunt Rose brought, and he would just shame her for it. Make sure you don't eat too much of it. It made Thea's chest fill with anxiety, but she always shook it off. He just wanted what's best for her, right?

His tone managed to push through his letters, and somehow, everytime she read his words, Thea always ended with hurt feelings. Every time she mentioned her friends besides Teo or Sonali, and it seemed like his blood boiled whenever Eva, Noelia, or Wesley's names were in her letters. He didn't like it when she spoke of Cedric or Fred or George, his sentences always drowning with jealousy. He absolutely hated it when she spoke of her family, her muggle, Barreno, family. -- And Thea didn't like it.

"I decided that for now, I'm not gonna pursue anything with Tommy." Eva admitted, who sat on her bed. She didn't need to unpack because she stayed at Hogwarts for the break, as she always did for every break except summer. The three girls turned to her, giving her a confused look. "Look— Before you yell at me, we're only in third year, we have four more years to have a relationship. I'm just gonna focus on school."

"Isn't that what you were doing before?" Noelia asked.

"But haven't you been going to every Hogsmeade weekend with him?" Poppy questioned.

"Yeah, but it's fine. I like him," Eva shrugged. "Not sure how he feels."

"You know how he feels." Thea said, speaking for the first time in a while before sliding her trunk in front of her bed. "I'm done."

"And where are you going?" Noelia turned to the girl, who opened the door to their dorm.

"Dominic said I have to meet him outside the Slytherin common room once I finish unpacking." Thea replied and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her.

"She has to?" Poppy spoke immediately, turning to her two other roommates. "Does she seem different to you guys?"

"She looks different too." Noelia agreed, crossing her arms. "Almost dull, lacking color-- I don't think she's been eating, she didn't touch her plate at lunch. I guarantee you it's all because of that arse."

"Don't you think Thea would tell someone-- She would tell her brothers if Dominic was hurting her, right?" Eva questioned and stared down at the ground. Would she?


       "Sonali's parents are so different then Stallard herself," Dominic told Thea as the two stood in the boy's dorm. "They're much bett—"

"Why can we talk about Sonali or Teo, but not my other brothers or my other friends? Like Poppy or Ember or Harrison? Anyone who is in any other house?" Thea cut him off, standing up from the bed. "And you just hate it when I talk about Eva or Wesley— Muggleborns? Or my family from my dad's side— Muggles?"

Dominic glared at the girl, his eyes cold and he grabbed her wrist. He pulled back down to sit on the bed and Thea let out a small yelp, her heart beginning to race with fear when she noticed his tight grip. "Don't cut me off."

"Sorry— I'm sorry." Thea mumbled immediately, looking down as she tried not to let her fear show. Why was she scared? "Can you please let go of my wrist? You're hurting me."

He tossed her wrist and Thea held it softly, noticing the mark from his hand wrapped around her small wrist. Dominic crossed his arms, standing up from the bed and looking down at her. "I told you to watch what you eat over break, but I guess since I wasn't there to watch you, you just did what you want, huh?"

"No," Thea shook her head, her eyes burnt with tears as she began to feel more unsafe by the second. "No, I did— I didn't eat too much, I swear."

"Why are you about to cry?" Dominic asked, his voice monotone, resisting the urge to roll his eyes.

"I don't like the way you're treating me." She admitted, closing her eyes for a moment.

"And what are you going to do about it, Thea?" He questioned and Thea dared to look up at him, terrified when she saw a smirk on his face. Grabbing her other wrist, Dominic dragged her over to the mirror, pushing her in front of him. "Look at you."

Her eyes were red and there were small tears streaming down her face. Thea bit her lip, refusing to let out a sob. She looked pathetic.

"You're weak." Dominic bent down, whispering in her ear. "Who else is going to want you?"


    It had been another three months, and for Thea, it had been absolute hell. Of course, none of her friends knew that, nor did her brothers. She had learned how to cover up what Dominic left behind from his behavior. Long sleeves were always on her arms to cover bruises and every since January, the girl had begun to put on more makeup. Mostly concealer for her eye bags that now decorated Thea's face-- From both lack of food (thanks to Dominic) and lack of sleep, due to nightmares (also thanks to Dominic). Mascara decorated her eyelashes to make her seem more awake and blush to give her dull face a bit more color. Soon enough, a fake smile instinctively took over her lips whenever she saw her brothers or her friends.

Fear always rushed through the girl's veins when she thought about what would happen if someone found out. Would they call her stupid for letting it go on for long? Thea couldn't imagine how many 'I told you so's she would get for even going on a date with the Slytherin boy in the first place! And what would Dominic do? That terrified Thea most of all.

No one could find out. Yes, Dominic and his torture were doing a number on Thea, and she had the bruises to prove it, but he was right. No one else was going to want her, and the thought of being alone made Thea want to die.

But now it was April, and the weather at Hogwarts was getting warmer and warmer, which meant Thea had to find a new way to hide Dominic's marks. As of now, she couldn't think of one. So, the girl sat in the Great Hall in a thin long sleeve shirt while everyone else was beginning to wear spring clothes.

"Hermana, aren't you hot? Go change!" Tobi smirked at his sister, grabbing an apple from a plate in front of him.

"No, I'm fine," Thea shrugged, giving him the best smile she could.

"You're gonna have a heat stroke." Poppy warned, patting the girl's shoulder.

"Thanks Pop." Thea mumbled towards her friend. "I'm heading to the bathroom before class."

"See you in potions." Alex smiled at the girl, signing as well. Thea signed a 'you too,' only to grimace in pain when she moved her wrist. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, my hand is just sore from writing a bunch of papers for Greenhouse last night." Thea replied quickly, getting up from the table. Eva stared at the girl as she walked away. Tommy glanced at her, noticing the look on her face-- Eva had a hypothesis. The girl stood silent, trying to calm her breathing as her mind began to put the pieces together. Her eyes were wide and she shook her head slowly-- This seemed way too familiar to her for comfort.

𝐠𝐨𝐥𝐝𝐞𝐧 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝, 𝐜𝐞𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐜 𝐝𝐢𝐠𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲Where stories live. Discover now