Good news

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Dr Bright POV

I was just sitting on my bed thinking about life when the doors to my cell opened, that's when two women walked in, one of them were blonde and the other was a brunette "hello Jack Bright, I'm Dr Alias Right and this is Dr Sophie Light" she said pointing to the blonde woman "we have some great news for you"Dr Light said

I was really confused by this, I've never gotten good news before so I was really curious but I was then cut out of my thought by Dr Light talking "well you know how a month ago you met Dr Simon Glass and Dr Alto Clef, well Dr Glass was actually able to pull some strings and was able to have you able to be a Dr again" Dr Light said

I was in complete shock by this, I even began to cry, they laughed a little at this but then Dr Right came over to me, she then held out her hand for me to take, I then grabbed her hand and she helped me up, we then left the cell and they began taking me somewhere

"We're here, this is the changing room there's an outfit for you in there" Dr Light said, pointing to one of the changing rooms, I then pulled away the curtain and saw the outfit hanging there, I then changed out of my old outfit I was in and changed into my new one

I was now finally done getting changed and was now in my new outfit, I pulled away the curtain to realize I was now alone, they had probably left to get back to work, I then started to wonder around the site looking at everything

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