His words sting eating up my heart slowly like it was thrown into a lion's den and being shared for the cubs. The sound of my cries and sniffles filled the air.

"I don't know how I will survive without you Suhail but I swear to Almighty Allah they must pay for their actions. They must pay for taking you away from me. They will go through what you went through I swear to avenge for everything they have done" Breathing and even seeing becomes a harder task with my heavy flow of tears and uncontrollable sobs. "I love you Suhail so much that I don't want to accept you dying. My life will be very dark and incomplete without you please don't die"

I burst into a new set of tears, what will I do? We have planned to live our life together. We have so many things to do. He was supposed to be my husband. He was my Suhail. Why would death take him away from me? So soon. Sitting here waiting for nothing will not get us out of here, it will not stop his blood from flowing. I cannot sit here and wait for the worst to happen. I put him up on the tree and left to get help despite his disapproval.

I ran for a decent amount of time before I got to the road. I don't know for how long I stood waiting for someone, a car, or anything to get away from here on. I am physically and mentally exhausted. I've been starved for days, gang-raped, tortured, and wounded on my chin but all this are nothing compared to what Suhail is going through and what I will go through if I don't get us out of here in time and save him, that in mind became my motivation and get me back up each time I fell. I do not see myself living without him.

It reached to the point where my knees fell to the floor on their own and I lost all hope because I couldn't stand anymore. I screamed at the open space in defeat and yet again cried my heart out. As if on cue, I saw a flash of light which I thought was a part of my illusion but then I heard the screech of a tyre followed by a horn. I was already in the middle of the road, the truck driver stopped when he reached where I was. I couldn't be more thankful.

I narrated what happened to him telling him that I and my brother got attacked and robbed which he agreed to with no doubt after all I was in half-torn jeans and Suhail's shirt which was covered with blood. I didn't lie about how he was beaten and cut and the number of the men. He followed me to where Suhail was and helped him to the truck. It's amazing that there are still good people in the world. He sympathized with our situation and worriedly drove faster to the hospital because we were very far from the city and he was scared we would not make it in time. I was more than scared but I believed we would make it. Allah will help us out just like how he sent a driver, we may reach late but he will be okay. Allah knows best.

I don't know how long it had been since they left or how long it had taken since we started talking or how long it had been since we got in the car but I know it had been long enough for him to bled out out when his body started to go into shock.

"Please don't put your life on hold because you are not losing me, I will always be in your heart and you'll always have the memories of the time we spent together"

I shook my head as I hugged him not bothering to stop my tears anymore. He began to choke on his blood as he said his last words which was the shahadah. He smiled weakly as his eyes began to roll back into his head.

I watched as he began to go silent. I watched his life leave his body. I watched him take his final breath. He was gone as fast as the last huff of vapor released from his lungs into the night air. And I couldn't do anything since his time here was over.

"Suhail? Suhail!" I cried whilst shaking him waiting for a reaction from him, hoping his eyes would open again.

But that was it. He was silent.

I froze stiffly when the true horror hit me, not like those other times when I was frozen from fear or because of anything- I am not scared. I am right behind myself.

This is where "Hold On by Chord Overstreet" should start playing😫💔

The second verse in particular:..........

Long endless highway, you're silent beside me
Driving a nightmare I can't escape from
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading
Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones
They took you away on a table
I paced back and forth as you lay still
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Can you hear me screaming please don't leave me?!
Hold on I still want you
Come back I still need you
Let me take your hands I will make it right
I swear I'll love you all my life
Hold on I still want you
I don't wanna let go
I know I'm not that strong
I just want to hear you saying baby let's go home
Yeah I just wanna take you home
Hold on I still want you
Come back I still need you

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