Day 10-11 - Recoupling & Dumping

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Ian: Previously On Love Island! The Islanders played a swanky game of Truth or Slime, A few islanders had a private VIP Hideaway Party and theres one more surprise in store for our islanders..

Day 10- Night

Kayleigh:Lets face the music, then..

Everyone sighs and goes down the stairs into the lawn and firepit.

They Sit down and wait patiently as a tense awkward silence fills the air.

Lauras phone pings

Laura: Oh, thats me..

She reads the text:
Islanders, its time for a boys recoupling where someone may be dumped.

Chrissy: Oh..

The atmosphere in the villa turns worse

Jay: I'm trying to think of something to lighten the mood but I just can't.

Another phone pings

Emily reads the text:

But, theres a twist, Chrissy the public has chosen you to choose first before any of the boys! #publicvote

Chrissy shoots a wink at Ava and she smiles

Chrissy stands up

Chrissy: This person has been a really good friend and I feel like maybe it could become something more!

James rolls his eyes

James(whispering): Only saying that because I rejected her..

Chrissy: I'm so happy that I got a first choice or else I'd probably be dumped. I choose Ava!

Ava gets up happily and goes to hug Chrissy, everyone except James and Laura claps!

Malik goes to whisper with Laura

Malik: Why didn't you clap?

Laura: I mean, after she voted Siobhan over me in the vote?

A text pings

Malik: Oh, I'm next!

Malik: Well, this girl has been such a sweetheart, I really think that me and her could actually be an item! I choose Kayleigh

Kayleigh: Yay!

Kayleigh jumps up giddily and runs to kiss him

Emily: Are they the new power couple or something?

Anna: Slay Kayleigh!

They sit down with huge smiles on their faces before another phone sounds

Jay: Its me!

He stands up

Jay: I would like to couple up with this girl, because she's hot, cute, funny literally everything I want and yeah she's pretty much a total catch! I feel like time kinda stops when I'm with her I know thats Cringy but yeah! I choose Kenzie.

Kenzie sighs a sigh of relief as everyone claps and gives him a cute peck on the cheek

Kenzie(whispering): That was so cute..

Ellie, Laura, Emily and Anna are left standing, waiting to be picked!

Isaac: I will go next!

He stands up

Isaac: I've had to couple up with this girl as even though she comes across as the ice queen!

Emily frowns at him

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2022 ⏰

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