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"So, he tried to shoot you?" Mel's voice held a little too much excitement for what she had just asked. She was leaning forward her darkened purple and red hair falling on the table as she nursed a mug of coffee, staring intently at me as she raised it to her lips to hide the smile that was pressing against her face.

"You sound like you want me to be shot," I drawled as I stirred my own coffee a dark almost black liquid I needed something strong to drink, something strong that wasn't alcohol, I needed to be entirely alert and coffee seemed to be the best bet.

"I mean you would have a really cool battle scar if you did, and then you could tell people how you survived a bullet. And you could be like, if anyone ever tried to kill you," she lowered her voice doing an awful impression of what she thought I sounded like, and I was convinced it was on purpose, "You're going to need more than steel to kill me,"

Leo laughed at his fiance's antics, and I couldn't help a smile tug onto my lips.

Our conversation was interrupted by a commotion outside, "YOU LET ME IN YOU BASTARDS," it was a low rumbled tone, and very familiar.

Leo, Mel and I were on our feet in seconds sprinting to the entrance where a fuming Theo was being detained by guards. Well, I should correct that, the guards were attempting to contain the fury that was Theo Mortello.

But it was quite hard to subdue someone of that skill. He had his gun in his hand but hadn't shot, only using the hilt of it, to smash into one guard's nose.

"HEY, HEY STOP!" Leo yelled breaking up the squabble, as the guards backed off from the heaving form of Theo.

His eyes locked with mine, a distasteful frown, "Fuck, Grayson, you could have at least told me you were taking my sister to another country. These guys and I saved your arse and you just leave without saying a fucking thing,"

"Hey, Theo, calm the fuck down. I didn't even know we were coming here in the first place, and blowing up like this isn't going to do shit. So calm down."

I was in front of him now, my plan raised slightly in a sort of peace offering, he stared down at my splayed fingers his chest still rising and falling with each angered breath.

"Tell me she's ok and I'll calm down," one of the guards who clearly hadn't learnt their lesson stepped forward and like a hawk, Theo's glare snapped towards them, anger a blaze in them and ready to be doused in more gasoline.

"You're not allowed her Mortello filth, your no Torres," and the tether broke before I could even move Theo had grasped the guard throwing a lethal punch at him so he stumbled and he didn't relent, pulling back his fist and punch after punch until blood covered his hands, he threw the man down, his eyes glazed and confused as he stared at the blood, there was too much of it but Theo more than most knew what blood could do to a person, sometimes it was worse to be desensitized by its' smell, though thick and pungent when you saw enough of it you began to ignore it.

He staggered backwards staring at his hands like they were apparitions, shock widening in his eyes and coming to a culmination when a small voice echoed, "Theo?"

Alara, her voice was far too broken. And Theo's eyes snapped towards her, she stared at the blood, and she looked for too long of a moment. Everything froze, the Falco guards parted for her, leading a path to her brother, her brother who was only half her blood.

And her fists shook, as she took a deep breath, her tears not falling her head arched upwards, neck high as she stormed down the stairs, no one stopped her as she gripped Theo by the crook of his arm. 

There was silence as she pulled him with her, "We need to talk Theo, now,"  and there was danger in her voice, a lethal whisper that pierced through the whole estate.

Theo swallowed and looked abjectly lost, his eyes widened, his hands for the first time ever were shaking and his gaze washed over the man he had beaten bloody. Stuck to the ground with a broken nose and more than a few ribs were broken, the only noise puncturing the silence were cries of agony.

But I was sure in that moment, Theo would have taken groans of pure pain even from himself then the careful whisper of his sister.

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