Sooner or Later

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"I'll show this lovely lady to her room," Max suggests, with a smug look on his face.

Lando reluctantly agrees as he watches Y/n and Max walk off toward the guest room. Max places his hand on the small of her back to guide the way; jealousy fills Lando's being. 

Max shuts the door as they reach the room, leaving Y/n unsure of what is about to happen. He sits her down on the bed and places himself next to her. 

"What are your intentions with my boy, Lando? You're not going to cause trouble with him, right?" He has a serious expression on his face.

"Of course not. Lando is a good guy; I have an immense amount of respect for him. He's amazing in everything he does. Whether we stay as friends or become more, I want to do right by him. He has already done so much for me; he is a great guy." She says this with pride and joy; she likes Lando already, evident in her mannerisms. 

Suddenly Max starts to feel guilty too. No repercussions will come to him because of the bet, but this girl is good. She is one of a kind. You can't find a girl this pure and innocent everywhere. This isn't going to be good for Lando; Max can tell that Lando is going to fall instantly, even he has taken a slight liking to the girl.

Max smiles, "You're good for him, Y/n, maybe even a little too good. Be careful with him, though, yeah? I'm sure you have heard about his reputation."

Doubts now cloud Y/n's mind. He's right. Lando is the playboy of the paddock. She doesn't want to feel insecure in a relationship but to be comfortable. So maybe this was all a bad idea.

"I think I might try to get some sleep; I'm exhausted."

"Yeah, of course, no problem. My room is next door if you need anything, and Lando's is across from yours. Sleep well."

Max leaves the room as Y/n sets herself up for bed. Does Lando's best friend think he will play her? It's certainly not a good start for anything, even if they stay as friends. 

Y/n gets into bed and searches for more information on Lando. She wanted to look into cheating scandals that circulated for a while. She doesn't want to believe he would hurt her; who is she kidding? She's looking too much into this. They're not dating; there's no sign of them dating anytime soon. Y/n turns her phone off and tries to get some sleep.

An hour or two passes by, and she has done nothing but toss and turn. Finally, Y/n gets up and goes to get a drink of water. She walks towards the balcony, noticing someone is already out there. Lando. 

"Did I wake you, princess?" He questions. 

"No, not at all; I haven't been able to sleep." 

"When I can't, I normally come out here and watch the world go by. It's so peaceful and clears my mind of everything."

"This view is beautiful, though."

"Yeah, it is," Lando agrees as he turns to look at her. She's perfect. She has the most perfect features. He notices that she's shivering, pulling her closer to him so they can share the blanket he has around himself. Y/n snuggles into his chest, feeling content.

He softly begins to play with her hair. It's incredibly soft. She is an angel. He slowly moves his hand towards her chin and lifts it so she looks up at him. Lando leans down slightly as Y/n moves her head up. 

The sound of the door opening distracts the two from their moment. Max catches onto what is about to happen, guilty that he ruined it. 

"I, uh, sorry, I didn't realise both of you were out here." he manages to get out before rushing back inside. 

"I might try to get some sleep," Y/n states as she removes herself from Lando's embrace. 

Lando looks down, sad that the moment was ruined but understanding, "Yeah, of course, we have to be up early tomorrow."

"Goodnight, Lando"

"Goodnight, Y/n."

Thirty minutes after Y/n left Lando, he finally decided to head to bed. Before he goes, he checks on Y/n. She's sleeping peacefully. Max walks out of his room again.

"Dude, you've got it bad; you're going to mess her up when things come out."

"This is your fault; you know I don't pass on a bet."

"You're better off telling her sooner rather than-"

"She's not going to EVER find out!" Lando snaps, loud enough to get his point across but quiet enough so that Y/n wouldn't wake. 

"She has such a pure soul, Lando. You're going to break her if this goes on too long. Either you tell her, or  I will."

"One word to her about this, and I'll kill you," Lando ends the conversation there and walks to his room.

When Y/n wakes in the morning, she heads to the kitchen to get breakfast. Max and Lando are already out there, and she can hear their quiet arguing. But, when she comes into view, they both go silent. 

"Did I interrupt?" She asks with a confused look on her face.

"No, of course not; it was nothing important. Isn't that right, Max?"

"Yeah, it was nothing."

She goes towards the fridge, gets some yoghurt and blueberries, and then sits between Lando and Max at the bench. Lando loves how bubbly she is, even after she has just woken up. However, his happiness toward the girl slowly fades as he notices Max admiring her too. Lando gives him a warning stare, so Max backs down. 

Soon after, Y/n finishes her breakfast and gets ready for her interview. This interview is significant for her. It's for her dream job; she has to dress to impress.

"You look great, Y/n," Lando looks at her, admiring everything about her. 

"Thank you, ready to go?"


They arrive at the MTC, and Lando leads her toward Zak Brown's office.  

"Hey, Zak! This is Y/n, the girl I mentioned for the HR role," Lando eagerly announces as they enter the room.

"Ahhh yes, nice to meet you, Y/n. I'm Zak; I'm the CEO of Mclaren Racing. Let's get this meeting started." He says, reaching out his hand to shake Y/n's.

How do you think the interview will go for Y/n?

What do you think Y/n will do when the truth comes out?

Let me know your thoughts in the comments, and don't forget to vote <3

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