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Y/n; Lando? What a coincidence! Now, if you tell me your last name is Norris, I'm going to think you're lying.

Lando; Call me a liar, then. I'm Lando Norris. 

Y/n; No way you are. There's absolutely no way. Could you send me a photo to prove it? 


Y/n; Ain't no way, babe

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Y/n; Ain't no way, babe. You probably got that from the internet.

Lando; Babe? That's new. We've been talking for how long?

Y/n; Don't flatter yourself, fake Lando. That's it; I'm changing your contact name.

Fake Lando; Wow. I'm extremely hurt, Y/n.

Y/n; Me too! You're lying to me for no reason.

Fake Lando; I'm not a liar. Anyway, I have to head off to the MTC. Enjoy your day or night.

Y/n; Wowwww, you're trying to keep up with the charade. You're probably going to research more about Lando, so you can keep pretending. Have fun, though <3

After Y/n finishes talking to Lando, she shuts her phone off and heads to bed. What a day it has been. First, her dream of getting GP tickets comes true, then possibly talking to THE Lando Norris? She pinches herself in an attempt to wake up from this dream. Nope, she wasn't dreaming.

"Fuck, that hurt," she winces directly after. 


A couple of minutes go by...


Y/n groans and turns to the other side; it's still dark outside. Who would possibly be trying to contact her now? It has to be like 3 am. 


"SHUT UP LEAVE ME ALONE!" she screams, now covering her head with blankets. 


As she finally rolls over towards her phone, she realises all those messages are coming from Lando. '

Fake Lando; Just finished at the MTC; how are you?

                           Wait, you're going to the AusGP. That means you must live in Australia.

                           Oh shit, it's like 3 am there... 

                            I'm so sorry; enjoy your sleep.

Y/n; I definitely would have enjoyed it if a fraud didn't wake me up. 

Fake Lando; Once again, I'm not lying to you, and second of all, I sincerely apologise. 

Y/n; Yeah yeah, as you keep saying. What's up?

Fake Lando; Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I enjoyed talking to you.

Y/n; I would say the same if I knew who you are.

Fake Lando; But you do know who I am. I'm your favourite driver remember?

Y/n; Have you ever been catfished before?

Fake Lando; Yes? But how is this remotely relevant?

Y/n; Because that is precisely what is happening right now. 

         I best be getting back to sleep now; I have work in the morning: Goodnight, fake Lando.

Fake Lando; Goodnight, y/n. Sleep well :)

As you're driving to work the following day, you're on the phone with Abby explaining everything that happened with the wrong phone number. She works the night shift at her job, meaning she can catch her on her breaks.


Y/n; Babes, come on. He's most likely lying. I told him moments before that I loved Lando Norris; he's just taking the opportunity and running with it.

Abby; and if he's not? Y/n, this could be a dream come true, have some faith. Not everybody you meet is going to lie to you.

Y/n; This is massive, though. I've supported this man for years, and now I've somehow got his number, and he wants to talk to me? This is too good to be true. This man could be talking to anyone in the world; why some random girl he doesn't know?

Abby; Because you're a unique and kind person, who wouldn't want to talk to you?

Y/n; I have been a real bitch towards him; I wouldn't be surprised if he never talks to me again.

Abby; Look, you never know; give it a chance. He might surprise you. As I said, not everyone is a liar, like your ex. So give 'fake' Lando a go; this could be exactly what you need to move on from your ex.

Y/n; We'll see. I'll keep you updated, babe. I just arrived at work; I'll chat with you soon!

Abby; Bye girl 

Y/n works in HR at a very reputable company. She has always wanted to work in HR for a Formula 1 team, but she needs to gain some experience to be considered the perfect fit. Unfortunately for her, she works in the same company as her ex. This is one of her biggest motivators to strive to get out of this company, as she plans to do some networking at the AusGP to gain a position there. 

Y/n has a little kick in her step today. She has been bouncing off the walls since she got the tickets, and everyone around the office can see. It has created a positive working environment for the day. Y/n is why the office knows how to have fun due to her extroverted personality. She is the life of any party, and you bet Y/n knows it. 

"What's got you in an extra happy mood today?" a familiar yet annoying voice questions.

Andrew. He's her manipulative ex. He always finds a way to dull her mood, but not today. Y/n will not have her positivity brought down, mainly because of the high she is on. 

"Just living the dream life at the moment, never been happier!" Y/n exclaims, trying to take a dig at him. 

She knows he wants to get back with her, but that's the opposite of what she wants. It's funny to hear how they're always so charming when you're not together but the opposite when you are. 

"Oh, come on, Y/n, I wasn't that bad to be with. You know you were happy with me. We had some great times with each other."

Rolling her eyes in response, Y/n chuckles, "Andrew quit the act; we were horrible together. The only times it was good was when we weren't together."

"Then we can just be friends with benefits?" he questions, eagerly waiting for an answer. 

"Quit the chit chat you two! This isn't the time and place for a conversation like this." their boss states as he walks around the corner.'

Thankful for the end of the conversation, Y/n moves towards her desk when she notices a notification on her screen.

*Fake Lando*. She smiles to herself, butterflies emerging in her stomach. 

Even if he isn't the real Lando, she sure likes this newfound attention she's receiving. 

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