You're on

1.1K 9 3

Y/n immediately rushes home to begin packing for her adventure. This is a once-in-a-lifetime kind of opportunity. How many ordinary people just get invited to stay at their celebrity crushes homes? If she had turned this down, she would have been making the biggest mistake of her life. 

As she frantically packs, she wonders how much she needs to take. How long will she be gone? A couple of days? Weeks? Months? She has nothing tying her to Australia anymore, no work obligations; she lives by herself anyway, so there's no one to come home to. So she decides to pack her whole wardrobe essentially. She's okay to pay extra for luggage; it's not like she paid for anything else. 

Y/n; Leaving for the airport now, Lando. I'm so excitedddd <3

Lando; I'm excited, too; I can't wait to meet you. The flight is at 7 pm, and I'll be at the airport waiting for you when you land :)

Y/n; You're way too good to me, Lando.

Lando;  Y/n, it's no drama for me. I'm happy to do this. Do you want a hotel, or are you happy to stay at mine?

Y/n; I'm happy to stay at yours; if anything changes, I have a friend who lives in Surrey. 

Lando;  Perfect. 

Y/n makes her way through the airport after checking in and boards her plane. As she gets on the plane, she realises Lando purchased her first-class tickets. There's no way. He is doing so much for her, and she has no idea how to repay him the favour. She settles down into her seat and prepares for a long flight. 

Across the other side of the world, Lando is informing his roommate, Max, about their new guest.

"Her name is Y/n, and she's from Australia."

"So you're telling me a stranger you have been talking to for a day is coming to stay at our place?" Max questions him, skeptical of the outcome. 

"Yes, it sounds bad. But she's a good girl. I trust her."

"You're whipped, aren't you, mate," Max laughs 

"Between you and me, Max, I'm just playing around right now. I don't want anything serious with her. She's hot, looks like she'd be good in bed. Just got to gain her trust first, which looks like a very easy task." Lando smirks; he knows he is known as the player in F1. So he may as well live up to that reputation.

"Lando, you are unbelievable man. Unfortunately, this could ruin you."

"It'll be fine. Who are they going to believe? She's only going to be known because of me; she'll look like she's after attention."

A/n: I don't think of Lando this way; I love this man and have all respect for him; this is just for the plot. 

"Okay. My bet is you will end up falling in love with her. You fall too fast." Max laughs at his friend's stupid idea.

"How much are we betting?"


"You're on, mate."

Y/n is now 16 hours into the flight and wholly exhausted already. She hates flying, it's the one thing she would always want to avoid, but she knows it will be inevitable if she does get a career in F1. Then, she would have to travel all over the world. 

Another six hours pass and Y/n is walking off the plane. She's shaking as she collects her luggage and walks towards the exit. What if he doesn't like her? This was probably just a sick joke he was playing, and she would be left stranded at the airport. 

As Lando waits for Y/n to walk out, he thinks about his bet with Max. He doesn't want to lose. But, now he has to prove to Max that he won't fall in love with her. So, the question playing in his head now is how can he prevent that from happening?

"Y/n, over here!" Lando yells when he sees the Aussie girl walking out. 

A smile grows on her face; Lando Norris is here for her. 

"Hi," Y/n nervously says with a smile. 

"Hi, beautiful"

He pulls her into a giant hug, and she reciprocates the action. The hug lasts a while, neither of the two wanting to let go.

 The man she has looked up to and provided so much comfort is hugging her. 

The girl he made a bet about not falling in love with is hugging him, causing feelings he knew couldn't be good to win the bet. 

He knows he's screwed. Regret. He shouldn't have made that bet. It's going to end badly for him. Either he's £2000 poorer, or this beautiful girl in his arms finds out and leaves. He downplayed how he felt about the girl to Max; Lando didn't want to seem like he was 'whipped' as Max would say.

"Ready to go, love?"


As they drive to Lando's place, Lando is wholly lost in his thoughts. Max has a big mouth; what if he tells Y/n?

"Penny, for your thoughts?" Y/n asks, noticing his unease. 

"I'm just nervous; I don't want to mess this up."

"Well, right now, what you're doing is perfect, Lando. I doubt you'll be able to mess anything up."

Little does she know, he thinks to himself, how badly he has messed this up already. Only time will tell when she realises. 

"I got you a meeting at Mclaren."

"You're kidding, Lando! Already? 

"Yes, I pulled a few strings. They're excited to meet you. They booked a meeting tomorrow at nine, if that's okay?"

"I can't express how thankful I am for all this; I don't deserve you."

"No, I don't deserve you, Y/n," Lando mumbles, hoping she missed that.

"What do you mean?"

"You're so pure, perfect. But, unfortunately, I'm not as good a guy as you think."

"Don't be silly; you've done so much for me. You're amazing."

"Thank you, love."

They arrive at Lando's apartment shortly, and Lando takes Y/n's hand as they walk through. Max greets them as they walk through and smirks at Lando as he notices the pair holding hands. Lando mouths a quick 'don't say a word while Y/n is distracted with looking around.

"Hi, Y/n; lovely to meet you. I'm Max," he says, reaching out to shake her hand.

"Nice to meet you too, Max," pulling him into a hug instead.

Lando glares at Max, trying to figure out what game he is playing. Max has never acted like this towards a girl Lando has brought home. But, unfortunately, this is all about to go downhill for Lando. 

Thank you, guys, for reading once again :)))

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. What do you all think of the bet? How will Y/n react?

Let me know your opinions in the comments, and don't forget to vote <3

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