Star Light Hero's || Chapter 15 || The Lonely Hero

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Main Street:

Todoroki: ' Ejirou told you that you can't make great shows alone

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Todoroki: ' Ejirou told you that you can't make great shows alone..."

Midoriya: " Yeah. I lost my nerve then, and couldn't articulate myself."

Todoroki: " I see. Let's go to his house!"

Midoriya: " Oh? You know where he lives too?"

Todoroki: " Duh! You know he was my best friend since middle school!!"

Midoriya: " Awh..."

Todoroki: " Shut up!"

Midoriya: "'ve been buddywuddies since childhood!"

Todoroki: " Don't make words up!"

Todoroki:" But, I'm 10 months older,but neither of us has siblings, so we used to play together all the time.

Todoroki: " Ejirou tried to do shows with our classmates too a few times..."

Todoroki: " But,he becomes so absorbed in his shows that he loses sight of everything else, so that didn't go well. "

Todoroki: " When he figured out I struggled with gender dysmorphia, He created robots that would support me without any discrimination."

Todoroki: " That's why he made robots for his plays, and decided to work alone."

Todoroki: " But...I don't think that's what he really wants..."

Todoroki: " Wait...Isn't that Ejirou? Looks like hes doing a show!"

Midoriya: " What?"

Kirishima: " The lonely alchemist was deeply impressed by the performance he saw. So much so that..."

Kirishima: " He decided that he too would stage marvelous shows for everyone to enjoy!"

Kirishima: " The alchemist perfected his own show based on the play performed by the traveling troupe, and invited the townsfolk to see it."

Kirishima: " The townsfolk greatly enjoyed it. The alchemist finally won their acceptance and respect."

Kirishima: " He lived happily...but not ever after."

Kirishima: " The townsfolk told the alchemist they wanted to take part in his shows."

Kirishima: " At first, the alchemist was overjoyed at their request.."

Kirishima: " However, each of his ideas was met with ridicule. One after another, the townsfolk began to avoid him."

Kirishima: " But we must not blame either the alchemist for his odd ideas, nor the townsfolk for their lack of understanding. They simply had a different way of thinking."

Kirishima: " Unfortunately, in the end none of the townsfolk wanted anything to do with the alchemist, and he was left all alone once again."

Todoroki: " Ejirou...Ejirou!"

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