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Chapter 20


Miles' smile instantly faded when he saw Harry looking at him with a guilt-inducing expression. He hadn't meant to laugh at Draco's impression of the two, and he'd really only been laughing at his imitation of Ron. Granted, he knew that wasn't much better, as Ron was Harry's friend.

His friends resumed the conversation, though they changed it to accommodate the recent events. Miles hardly noticed. He was too busy watching as Harry and Ron finished up their breakfast and all but ran out of the Great Hall, Hermione in tow. She seemed to be trying to reassure them, though to no avail.

Miles couldn't blame them, to be honest. He knew his fellow students, namely Draco, would see what had happened as Harry trying to get more attention. The truth was that his brother didn't want any such thing, but he knew arguing would be pointless. That was why he didn't even try to reason with Draco, as he knew the other boy's view of Harry was so tarnished already that nothing would change it. 

He thought about going after Harry, but what would he say? That he was sorry? He was pretty sure that was the last thing Harry wanted to hear right now, especially from Miles. He just wanted to be left alone, and while it took everything in him not to run out after him, he had to respect that. 

Miles should've known that something else would have happened after the events of the Great Hall that morning. They'd been walking around the courtyard, him and Draco. Crabbe and Goyle had made yet another attempt to talk to the other boy, but fortunately, a confrontation had been avoided.

Little did Miles know, a confrontation was bound to occur that day. He saw them from across the courtyard, a boy aiming a camera at Harry, obviously hoping for a picture. It surprised him, as he'd never been asked for one himself by a student at Hogwarts, despite being mobbed by wizarding photographers everywhere he went.

Yet another reason he loved Hogwarts, they weren't allowed there. Though it seemed that some students were hoping to change that. Oh, joy.

The boy continued to talk about something, and as they moved closer they heard the last bit.

"-maybe your friend could take it and I could stand next to you? And then, you could sign it?"

Miles immediately turned to Draco, silently warning him not to react, but it was too late.

"Signed photos? You're giving out signed photos, Potter?" his voice echoed around the courtyard, causing people walking by to stop and watch.

"Draco no-" Miles tried to pull the other boy back as the gestured towards the crowd.

"Everyone line up!" he shouted. "Harry Potter's giving out signed photos!" 

Harry stormed up towards him, Ron close behind. Miles gave up on trying to stop Draco and stepped back. He would intervene if something more than words was exchanged between the two of them. 

"No, I'm not. Shut up, Malfoy!" Harry's hands were balled up into fists, and Miles hoped he was right in assuming that it was just for show. He couldn't imagine Harry ever striking someone, but Draco could be an exception. After all, they despised one another. 

The first year put his two cents in. "You're just jealous."

Miles closed his eyes, not wanting to watch. The circumstances were just getting worse as the altercation dragged on. 

"Jealous?" Draco scoffed, looking around at the crowd. "Of what? I don't fancy being nearly killed by dark wizards, thanks. I don't think having a foul scar on my face like that makes you all that special, myself."

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