It doesn't suck to be a guy

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I slowly opened my eyes to see the ceiling of my room. From the corner of my eye i could see green and purple hair, the figures didn't seem to notice I was awake.

-------: "hey.. it's going to be okay Kokichi..."

-------: "What if he doesn't wake up!?" I turned my head a little further to see Rantaro holding a crying Kokichi who was glaring at the floor. I tried to reach out to him but I couldn't lift my arm.

Rantaro: "Maki said his vitals are fine, he just needs some rest." He didn't respond and just continued to glare at the floor.

Shuichi: "What..?" The two of them instantly shot up, Rantaro ran over to me while Kokichi wiped his face frantically.

Rantaro: "Shuichi? How are you feeling?" 

Shuichi: "A little tired and sore but not too bad..."

Kokichi: "What did you even wish for!? I thought you might have died or something!!" He tried to put on a joking tone but he couldn't hide fresh tears that peaked the corners of his eyes.

Shuichi: "I... " I took my shirt off, where I was no longer wearing a binder and my chest was flat. "I'm really a guy now..." Rantaro walked over and hugged me while Kokichi pouted.

Kokichi: "You could have at least told us... Some people were really worried..." He then came up and hugged me from my other side, shielding his face from me.

Shuichi: "hmm... So has anybody else made a wish?"

Rantaro: "No, they thought it was a trick and monokuma killed you, so for better or worse, everyone else stayed away from it. Well... one person made a wish.." he smirked and Kokichi shot his head up, glaring at Rantaro.

Rantaro: "It was actually pretty romanti-" 


Kokichi lunged at Rantaro, shoving a pillow in his face. I couldn't help but giggle, as Kokichi turned to me with a smile, ignoring the suffocating Rantaro.

Kokichi: "Ignore him, he's just being a dick!"

Shuichi: "Hah, that's kind of incriminating you know? what did you wish for?" He then held up another pillow and gave me a glare that told me to shut my mouth. I couldn't help it though, he kind of rubbed off on me.

Shuichi: "Oh? Was it something about me? Perhaps I'm your beloved as much as you are mine?" He froze as his cheeks inflamed. I heard Rantaro's chuckles being muffled by the pillow which Kokichi just proceeded to shove in his face.

Kokichi: "Haha! Nice try Shuichi, looks like somebody's getting a little mischievous~" He smirked at me, brushing my previous comment off.

Rantaro: "You dense fuc-"

Kokichi: "RANTARO I WILL TELL GONTA YOU KILLED A FLY" The adventurer shut up at that. He humphed before turning to me and pulling out his coin.

Kokichi:" I didn't make a wish yet, I don't really need it, being the ultimate supreme leader and all that. Besides, why make a wish when I have all I want right here?" He hugged my arm giggling while I blushed.

Rantaro: "Anyways lovebirds, the others are probably worried about you."

Shuichi: "Oh yea, I guess we should head to the dining hall since it's about noon." The other two nodded and walked towards the door, I got up, but uh...


Rantaro: "Oh uh... Sorry... Monokuma must have taken them off." Neither of them would look directly at me. I looked down to notice that besides my discarded shirt, I didn't have any pants either...

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