🎵 now I don't Remember Comfort..🎶

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I heard a knock on my door but I didn't get up to answer it.

Rantaro: "Shuichi it's Rantaro, can I come in." I hesitated before giving him approval. The door opened and shut and I heard someone walk up to my bed. Rantaro stopped and crouched down in front of me.

Rantaro: "Hey.. can I get you anything?" I shook my head. "Do you want to come out? The group wants to talk to you"

Shuichi: "No... but.. it's okay if Kaede and Kokichi come in..." He nodded in response before leaving the room. He came back two minutes later with the pair. Kaede gave me a worried look while Kokichi smiled and waved.

Kaede: "Shuichi I want you to know I accept you as you are! So please don't feel bad." As she said that she walked over and sat next to me on the bed. I felt arms wrap around me as Kokichi came up and hugged me from behind.

Kokichi: "Yea! I'll always love my beloved Shumai! And that's not a lie!" A smiled a bit at them.

Shuichi: "..T..thank you..." My voice was a little raspy from the crying.

Rantaro: "If you want we can stay in here for a bit while we give the others time to process." I nodded in response.

Kokichi: "Yea! Common!! Let's play simon says!" He jumped up making the two of us topple over. I couldn't help but laugh at his childishness, it was.. sweet..

We played for an hour or two before there was another knock on the door.

Kirumi: "I have brought lunch for the four of you." Rantaro opened the door, allowing the maid to walk in and serve us. "I have also made an assortment of pastries and other comfort food." We all thanked her as she set down a tray of snacks and treats. Kokichi of course, instantly dug in.

Kokichi: "MMM~ Shuichi! Try this one! Rantaro hands off that eclair!" We all shared a laugh at that, receiving a cheeky grin from Kokichi.

Kaede: "Eheh, you're like a little kid!" as soon as she said that I could see the mischievous glint in his eye. He jumped, launching himself at Kaede and Rantaro.

Kokichi: "Mommmm!!! Dadddd!!!" The other two jumped as he pulled them together. "Parents kiss alot, rightttt???? So go ahead and get smoochy!" within seconds both of their faces were enflamed.

Kaede: "W-W-W-WHAT!?!?!?"

Rantaro: "I- Um- It's not like that!"

Kokichi: "Oh really? Rantaro seems to talk about you~ All. The. Time!" Rantaro shot him a glare then smirked.

Rantaro: "Oh? Don't you also talk a lot about a certain someone? What was his name again..?" He put his finger to his chin, faking thinking while Kokichi's eyes widened as he realized his mistake. "Yeah it was, sh-" 


He fell backwards as Kokichi threw a cake at his face.

Rantaro: "Oh it is on!" Suddenly before I knew it, all of the beautifully prepared food was being flung around the room. MY room.

Shuichi: "Ah! You're making a mes-" I was cut off as I was hit by the crossfire and Kaede pulled me back. I wiped the cake off my face as Kaede turned to me with teary eyes and patted my shoulder.

Kaede: "This is a rough fire soldier. I don't know if we'll make it out alive.." She pulled out a hat from who knows where and held it to her chest while she prayed. At the rate their destroying my room, I should probably pray too...


Rantaro: "I'm really sorry Shuichi.. we got really carried away.." Rantaro said while kneeling in front of me. After being smacked in the head Kokichi knelt down too.

Shuichi: "Yea.. but now I have nowhere to sleep..."

Kokichi: "OOh! We can have a sleepover! Just the two of us!" 

Shuichi: "Oh.. uh.. okay..?" The immediate evil smirk that came over his face made me start to rethink my choice. He immediately pulled me into his room. Half of the room was filled with stacks of paper and an assortment of junk. His bed was littered with several of the prizes from the casino. His bathroom door hung open at an odd angle and I could see the mirror was covered in clown stickers so you couldn't see anything else.

Kokichi: "Oki! I'll go get some PJ's from Tsumugi! You stay here! Feel free to bow down to my army." He gestured to a pile of stuffed animals and figurines before running out the door. He ran back in a few minutes later with a plastic bag filled with fluffy clothes. We opened the bag together, he pulled out a matching set of a purple shirt and pants with grapes on it. Then a...

He held up a pink top and night skirt with the phrase "Girl power" across them and several pastel flowers. A dark look came over his face. 

Kokichi: "Ah. She made a mistake. I'll go fix it." He stepped out of the room for a few minutes. I jumped when I heard loud screaming and several wacks. The Kokichi stepped back into the room wearing the pink pajamas which were splattered with adorning pink blood.

Kokichi: "Okay Shuichi! Go ahead and put the purple ones on!"

Shuichi: "What happen-" He gave me a look that told me to shut my mouth so I grabbed the clothes and went into the bathroom.

I came back out to see he had set up a pair of sleeping bags. I turned off the light before making my way through the dark. Unfortunately I had neglected to be aware of the placement of a certain book. One second I was steadily making my way through the dark, the next I was flying through the air.

Shuichi: "Waaah!!"

Kokichi: "Shuichi? Wha-"

Both: "Ough" I groaned as I rubbed my elbows which had hit the ground. I had landed on Kokichi's chest, knocking the air out of him.

Shuichi: "I'm sorry are you okay?"

Kokichi: "Yea... I should have cleaned the mess..." As my eyes started to adjust to the dark I could almost see a pink tint to his face. The shadows perfectly illuminated the curves along his cheeks to his lips. The looked incredibly soft with perfect symmetry and roundness.

Kokichi: "Shuichi...?" His whisper was so soft I wouldn't have heard it if I wasn't so close. Coming to my senses my eyes widened and I rolled off of him.

Shuichi: "Ah! I um.. we should go to sleep n-now huh..." I nervously scrambled over to my sleeping bag and pulled the flap over me. "Goodnight!" I shut my eyes tight willing myself to go to sleep faster. Kokichi didn't speak or move for a second before responding.

Kokichi: "Yea.. goodnight, Shu.." Hearing him say that caused my already embarrassed face to shoot into flames. Not only had we almost kissed! But he called me Shu! He doesn't call anyone else nicknames unless it's an insult! D-does Kokichi- Could we-.. Rantaro... he even said...

Rantaro: "Oh? Don't you also talk a lot about a certain someone? What was his name again..?Yeah it was, sh-"

He was definitely going to say my name! Or Shinguji? But I've never seen them hang out once... Unless... They hang out in private so it's more special!? Or what if it's Shirogane!?! I've heard him joke around with her!! But he did seem pretty mad when she messed up the pajamas... But what if it was an excuse to see her!?!"

wait... Why am I putting so much thought into this... why do I care so much..? Am I jealous...?

If I'm jealous that means... Oh...

I like Kokichi..

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