7 | First Day of Training

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The next morning, they woke up at six in the morning. Syifa went to the kitchen to cook while the others showered one by one. Syifa really liked cooking. She's been working on her original recipes since she was little. This morning, she decided to make baked sweet potato with peanut butter and sliced apples. After a while, the food was ready by the time the others were done showering.

They gathered to eat. While they were eating, Delice turned on the TV to watch some news. The channel showed some footage of increasing robbery and destruction in the town. The reporter informed that this seemed to be done by a group of masked people using hi-tech gadgets.

"Why are the things that have been stolen are spare parts and random colorful liquids rather than money?" Syifa wondered as she saw the footage showing missing chemical solutions in a wrecked laboratory.

"Those aren't random colorful liquids, they're chemicals! And they could be dangerous in the wrong hands. Like, really dangerous," Delice corrected.

"What's happening in our town?!" asked Lady frustratedly, "First, it was our school, now this, and then what?"

"This has got to have something to do with that Mysterious Masks. Can't be anything else!" said Nasya.

"Alright, that's it! After we eat, we head straight to the mansion!" Lady suggested.

The others agreed and continued eating. As they eat, the news are getting worse. The dam is broken and now we can expect floods and a lack of clean water in some places. Now that they have finished eating, they stood up almost immediately.

"We can do the dishes later, let's go!" said Nasya.

"But I haven't showered yet!" complained Syifa who didn't have time to take a shower.

"Eh, you'll be fine without it! Come on, Syif!" replied Delice.

"Uh, what? No fair!" Syifa finally complied with a frown on her face. They immediately left for Dangerous Girl's Mansion.

On the way to the mansion, they ran into Shane and Ren at the town square. Of course, they just have to greet them and block their way to their first day of training.

"NASYA!" shouted Shane.

Nasya stopped and turned her head towards the sound calling her name. "Shane? Ren" she muttered under her breath.

"Don't get distracted, Nas! They're only gonna slow us down," whispered Lady.

"You're right," Nasya answered and ran away.

Syifa, Delice, and Lady followed her and ran immediately, not wanting the boys to slow their way to the mansion down. But, much to their disappointment, the shortest way to the mansion was blocked because it was somehow destroyed and had to be repaired. They have to turn around and took the other way through the town square again.

"Nasya! Girl, what's the rush?" Ren asked as the four girls ran past them once again.

"There's no time! See ya!" Nasya shouted.

They ran for a while and stopped to catch their breath. They were exhausted and they were barely halfway there because of the change of route.

"Why ... can't we just take the cab or ... something like that?" asked Syifa while panting.

"The whole existence of the mansion ... is a secret! Besides, the traffic is jammed. Believe it or not, it's faster this way," answered Delice.

They rest for a minute and then continued running. Well, at least this way, they don't have to warm up before they start their training. All the running can count as a warm-up.

Roughly an hour later, they arrived at the mansion. Miss DG and Lukas were waiting outside.

"Whoa whoa whoa! What happened? The Mysterious Masks attacked you or something?" Lukas joked, seeing the girls all sweaty.

"Phew ... let's just say ... we did a lil' warm-up before trainin'," replied Nasya.

"Well, in that case, you can catch your breath. Lukas can teach you how to use the gadgets first, then after that we can practice self-defense," Miss DG suggested.

Lukas smiled at them. "Follow me to the training room, please!" He walked in, followed by the four girls and Miss DG.

They entered and headed to the training room. Inside there are several target boards mounted on the wall and ready to be shot.

Miss DG and Lukas gave each of them a pair of gauntlets. Each with different highlight colors. Delice got turquoise, Nasya got gray, Syifa got white, and Lady got light blue.

"Each of these gauntlets has different types of ray shots. Delice, your gauntlet can shoot electricity. You, Nasya, can shoot and break any metal object. Yours, Lady, can shoot ice and freeze things, even people. And Syifa, you can shoot sound waves and shatter glasses," explained Miss DG.

The four friends put their gauntlets on.

"So, how do you activate it?" Lady wondered.

Miss DG gave an example with her own gauntlets. She opened her palm and pointed it toward the target. In an instant, a beam shot out and destroyed the target board.

"Go on, you try it!" Miss DG ordered.

Without further ado, Nasya immediately tried what Miss DG did. A bright glow shot out of her palm and she managed to destroy two target boards.

"Woohoo! Piece of cake," Nasya shouted.

"WOOAH!" the others were amazed.

"Try one more time! But hold on a little longer! Aim at the metal trash can over there!" said Miss DG pointing to an empty trash can.

Nasya did what Miss DG asked and a silver light appeared from her gauntlet. The beam shattered the can.

"How is THAT possible!?" Delice wondered.

"Lukas, make sure that Delice can use the electricity, then Syifa with the sonar, and Lady with the ice! I'll be in the lab if you need me," said Miss DG

Lukas nodded. Miss DG then left the training room and headed to the laboratory to meet Tanner and Tanna.

Lukas looked back at Nasya and complimented her. "See? You're a natural at this!"

"I moved here from Frown Town a few years ago. I first practiced aiming and shooting guns there," explained Nasya, "it's not that different from this one. Just pull the trigger!"

"But, this thing doesn't seem to have a trigger," said Lady, flipping her hands over and over to find the trigger. She tried aiming at one of the targets but nothing came out.

"Just keep on trying! Try until you find the trigger," Nasya advised.

"Yeah, what she said!" added Lukas.

With that, Delice, Lady, and Syifa kept on trying just like what Lukas, I mean Nasya, has said. Now Nasya had a head start over the rest of her friends.

"Not only the gauntlets can destroy things," Lukas explained, "but Tanner and Tanna also made these using nanotech to mimic the Van der- I-don't-know-what-force in lizard's feet. Basically, they can be used to climb walls along with the boots. Just press that button to activate the climbing mode." He pointed at a button on Nasya's gauntlets.

"Cool! What else can they do?" asked Nasya excitedly.

"There are three more gadgets I have in store for all of you!" Lukas walked over to the corner to take the rest of the gadgets.

"You might wanna see this!" Nasya called to the rest as she followed Lukas to the corner.

Delice and Lady also followed while Syifa was still focusing on trying to shoot the target board in front of her.

Lukas gave a belt to Nasya. "This is a grappling belt. Press this button on the top once and it will extend to its limit and hold it down to retract."

Then, he gave a pair of glasses to Delice. "These glasses have infrared and night vision. It also has a communication device attached to the left earpiece."

"Last, but not least, is the smartwatch." He gave it to Lady. "It has GPS so you can track down anything with a tracker." Lukas took out a tracking device. "You can also track each other's location, as long as you have your watch on. And, just like a phone, you can use it to make and pick up calls. The call will automatically connect to your communication device."

Just as Lukas finished explaining, Syifa managed to fire her soundwave to the target board.

"YES YES YES! I DID IT!!" she cheered.

Delice and Lady were amazed.

"Aww! I had zero luck doing that!" sighed Lady.

"Keep trying, girls! You'll get there," Lukas supported.

They continued to practice. By the end of the day, they have finished their self-defense training with Miss DG and headed back home with their new gadgets in their bag.

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