1 | The Four Best Friends

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"And that, students, was the legend of the Dangerous Girl," Miss Arasha, the history teacher ends her explanation.

It's almost lunch break at DG High School. A girl with long straight snow-white hair was listening deeply to her teacher's explanation.

"RING!!!" the bell rings, which means it's time for the lunch break.

"Alright, class! It's time for a lunch break. See you next week!" said Miss Arasha.

All of the students went out of the class to go to the cafeteria. Some also have their lunch brought from home. However, Syifa, the girl with snow-white hair is going to the cafeteria to meet her friends from other classes. Her friends are Nasya and Lady from eleventh grade, plus her sister Delice who's in her senior year. Those make Syifa the youngest of them all.

They meet at their usual place to meet, which is in front of the toilet. A girl with red hair and glasses and a girl with very short coffee brown hair are already there. They are Delice and Lady.

"Hey, gals!" Syifa waved her hands while skipping and humming.

"What's up, Syif?" asked Lady.

"Have you ever thought that maybe legends are real?" Syifa asked back.

Noticing the odd question, her sister, Delice asked, "Why the sudden strange question?" She looked at her sister.

"I'm just wondering," said Syifa.

"Hmm, I don't know. The truth of legends remains a mystery." Delice gave her opinion. "Though, some of them are partly true. Like how this town is called Dangerous Girl Town. But sometimes, legends are just legends. The Dangerous Girl herself, no one has ever seen her," she explained.

"Well, duh! It's because she's imprisoned in the middle of the woods!"

"Oh yeah, the legend did say that,"

Being out of the conversation for a while, Lady stepped in. "By the way, have you seen Nasya? What's taking that girl so long?!" she asked.

"Maybe she's gone talking to the guys as usual," said Syifa.

"I'll call her." Lady picked up her phone from her pocket. She called for her number and waited for Nasya to pick it up.

After waiting for a while, she gave up. Nasya's not picking up.

"Ugh, she's not picking up!" Lady sighed. "Hey, Syifa! You know almost all of the students in the school. Do you by any chance have one of Nasya's boyfriends' numbers?"

"Wait, she has BOYFRIENDS?!" Syifa asked in shock.

"I didn't mean literally! I mean, she always hangs out with the guys, so, she has boy friends, not girl friends," Lady replied immediately.

"Well, I have Ren and Shane's number." Syifa showed her phone.

"Call one of them!"

"Okey dokey, Lady!" Syifa looked at her phone and called one of Nasya's friends. "The call is on!" She gave her phone to Lady.

"Hey! Any reason for calling?" a voice came out of the phone.

Hearing this voice, Lady asked, "Wait, who is this?" She covered the phone microphone and turned her head towards Syifa.

"It's Ren," Syifa answered simply.

"Why did you call HIM of all people?!" Lady whisper-shouted while still covering the phone.

"Because you asked to call one of them?" Syifa replied innocently.

"If you're not going to speak, I'll close the call," Ren said through the phone.

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