5 | Welcome to the Mansion

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The four girls and the Dangerous Girl herself have finally arrived at their destination, the Dangerous Girl's mansion. Delice, Nasya, Lady, and Syifa were standing right next to each other with their jaws dropped. The mansion is so big. There's another flag with the Dangerous Girl's symbol in the front yard. There's a garage and garden in the backyard.

The Dangerous Girl let the girls in. They looked at the hallway with sparkling eyes. When you enter the hallway, there's a magnificent chandelier on the ceiling. You can see the training room on the right with the kitchen and dining room right beside it. If you look to the left, you can see two doors leading to the living room and a door leading to the library. Right in the middle of the hallway, there's a small table with a vase on it which is located between the two stairs that lead to the second floor. The bedrooms on the second floor can be seen from the first floor through the balcony. Bathrooms can be found in the training room and near the back door.

"So...Dangerous Girl, huh? Should we call you that, or just 'mam' ?" asked Nasya.

"You can call me by my name, Jessy. Or if you want to call me with a more formal name, then you can just call me Miss DG," Miss DG said.

"Do you live here? All of these years?" asked Syifa.

"Yes. Well actually, this is the place where I was held after...what I did in the past," Miss DG answered full of regret.

Miss DG led the four girls to the living room. Inside was a long L-couch with a coffee table in front of it, a television, some plants and paintings for decorations, and a fireplace in the corner.

"Please, sit!" Miss DG pleaded.

They all sat on the couch.

"So, why do you need us?" asked Delice.

"Before we start, let me tell you that you're not the first group of potential girls that I brought here. You're the third. The other two groups ran away after figuring out that I am the Dangerous Girl," explained Miss DG.

"Oh," the girls responded. At first, they thought that she just chose them because they Helper her

"So, after what happened to your school, I suppose you want to know who is the one behind this?" asked Miss DG.



"Who is it?"

Miss DG took a deep breath. "Her name is Grand Z, someone from my past," she answered.

"I don't recall there's someone named Grand Z in your legend," Delice noticed.

"Of course not. It's the legend of the Dangerous Girl, not Grand Z. Her real name is Zara. But ever since we first met, she always goes by Grand Z," said Miss DG.

"Oh, she's the daughter of the Mysterious Masks' leader, isn't she?" asked Syifa, recalling what she had learned in her class earlier.

"That's right. And I'm afraid that now, she has returned to finish what her father started," answered Miss DG. "She's reuniting the Mysterious Masks and also recruiting some more members. Mercenaries, bounty hunters, everyone who has a grudge against the people of this town," she continued.

Listening to this, Delice, Nasya, Lady, and Syifa were speechless. The thing about some group of villains who will come to attack the town where you live is not something that you would hear every day.

"If I don't find someone who's willing to help me, then this town doesn't stand a chance. Especially because everyone has forgotten about the legend, my legend," explained Miss DG.

She took a deep breath before continuing, "I can't do this alone. I need help. Even though I'm the great and powerful Dangerous Girl, the force of the Mysterious Masks is something that I can't defeat on my own. Trust me, I was a member of it."

After giving it a second thought, Delice responded, "How can we trust you if you were a member of the Mysterious Masks itself?"

Miss DG sighed, "I understand that you probably don't trust me. Which is why I'm not going to force you into this. If you want to join me, then the decision has to be your own."

The four girls then looked away from Miss DG before looking at each other.

"What do you say?" asked Nasya.

"Should we help her?" asked Lady.

"She doesn't look evil now," Syifa stated.

"I don't know, girls! But, I think we should think this through," Delice spoke up her mind.

The girls turned to face the Dangerous Girl.

"We'll think about it. Who knows? Maybe, we'll consider," Delice spoke.

"It's all up to you, so take your time," said Miss DG.

Miss DG then walked them to the front door. The four girls left the Dangerous Girl's mansion and went home to think of a big if not, huge decision.

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