6 | Meet the Dangerous Girls! And...boys?

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Back home at the apartment, the four best friends gathered around in the living room to discuss whether they should help the Dangerous Girl or not. After all, this is a huge decision that could change their whole life in a blink of an eye.

Right now, Delice was walking around in circles while Nasya and Lady were sitting on the couch paying attention to her. Syifa, however, was laying on the floor with her eyes glued to her phone. It's as if she's okay with any decision her friends make.

"We can't trust this woman. She's the Dangerous Girl!" said Delice as she was still walking around.

"Correction, she was!" Nasya interrupted, "Can't you see that she's trying to help the town here?" she asked.

Hearing what Nasya just said, Lady thought of what happened to their school this morning. "Didn't you see what happened to our school?! That's what will happen to the town if we don't make a move!" explained Lady.

Delice stopped herself from walking around in circles and turned herself to face her friends. "Okay okay okay! Let's just say that you have a point there. But still, don't you think that this is a little sudden and...suspicious?" she asked precautiously, knowing that the Dangerous Girl is a person they shouldn't trust easily.

"Darn it, Delice! Why is it so hard for you to trust people?!" asked Nasya frustratedly. "We can always beat her up if she does anything ridiculous, right?" she suggested since all of them know martial arts pretty well.

"No, but yeah I agree!" exclaimed Lady. "What's the four of us can't do? Nothing! We can do anything as long as we're together, remember? Even what seemed impossible, like saving the town!"

"Do I need to remind you that we have school?" reminded Delice.

"Yeah, but don't you remember? Our school is destroyed because of this threat. As far as I'm concerned, we won't be studying there anytime soon."

"I'm on the same page here. We might have online learning after this," Nasya agreed.

Delice sighed. That's two votes for helping the woman and one for stepping back. All she needs is just one more vote from Syifa but as always she seems to give everyone the cold shoulder when we're talking about important decisions. She would just pick the winning side and in this case, it's Lady and Nasya's side. Delice looked at Syifa who was still busy playing on her phone. She looked back at Lady and Nasya.

"Alright, you win! We help her," Delice stated.

Lady and Nasya put their hands up in the air and high-fived each other.

"But, "Delice added, "only to take care of this threat. After the town is safe, we'll go back to our normal life."

Lady and Nasya have no choice but to agree. If they don't, then Delice wouldn't want to help. So after they made their agreement, they decided to call it a day and went to their beds to rest.

The next day, they headed to the Dangerous Girl's Mansion to tell Miss DG that they were in. After arriving at the mansion, Miss DG immediately let them in.

"We're in!" declared Delice right after she stepped into the mansion.

"But after this mission is done, we're out," she continued.

"That is your decision to make. Now follow me to the basement, please! We will meet our teammates there." Miss DG walked back in, followed by the four girls.

The girls were left speechless. They thought that this mansion is already huge. They didn't think that the mansion would have a basement. How big would it be?

"Basement?!" asked Syifa, both shocked and excited.

Miss DG walked to the small table between the two stairs. There is a flower pot in the shape of a box on the table. Miss DG removed the pot and pressed the button that was hidden under the pot. Suddenly, the floor opened and another staircase appeared. Those stairs lead to the basement. Delice, Lady, Nasya, and Syifa just stood there with their jaws dropped.

"This is way cooler than cool," Lady said in awe, "this is FREEZING!"

"Come on!" Miss DG put the flower pot back and then led them down the stairs.

Delice, Lady, Nasya, and Syifa looked at each other before going down after Miss DG.

The basement of the Dangerous Girl's mansion was huge. The walls are covered by carpets to reduce noise and decorated with photographs and paintings. You can see displays of costumes and hi-tech gadgets in the middle of the room. A waterfall can be seen on the right side of the room, with several bookshelves on the right and left side of it. If you look to the left, you can see the computer room right next to the stairs and the laboratory next to the computer room. On the left side of the wall, there is water gushing from above, and on the right and left there is an ornamental plant. There are several couches and a table in the middle of the room.

"Over there are the twins, Tanner and Tanna. They're the scientist and tech support." Miss DG pointed at two people who seemed to be in their early 20s. The female one has blonde hair with blue, purple, and pink streaks while the male one has brown hair with red, orange, and yellow streaks.

"Near the bookcases is Reo the historian. He's the librarian here. You can always rely on him when it comes to looking for clues and information about your enemy." She referred to the man with glasses standing beside the bookcases to organize the books.

"And that's Lukas, the organizer, and supervisor. He maintains the progress of almost everything here." She pointed to the young man holding a pencil and a clipboard.

"Oh," she added, "and in the backyard, you'll find Gum. He's the farmer, gardener, and botanist who's in charge of growing the specific, rare, unique, one-of-a-kind plants for the scientists to meddle with and turn them into what we need for our mission."

"Whoa whoa whoa! Wait!" Nasya interrupted, "So, these are all our teammates?"

Miss DG nodded.

"But, I thought the others you brought here ran away after they saw the flag," Syifa acknowledged.

"And you said they were girls," added Lady.

"Clearly," Miss DG answered, "not all of them ran away and not all of them are girls either. And...I suppose you girls have a name, right?"

"Oh yeah! My name is Syifa," Syifa introduced, "this is Nasya, Lady, and my sister, Delice." She introduced all of her friends.

"Well, it's very nice to meet you all! Now, Lukas," Miss DG called, "Would you kindly introduce these girls to everything they need to know, please? I'm going to check on Gum."

"Yes, mam!" saluted the handsome man with ginger hair, Lukas. He then walked towards the girls.

"Hi, girls! My name's Lukas and I'll be your supervisor from now on. You've also known that there are Tanner, Tanna, Reo, and Gum on the team. We're the Dangerous Girls," Lukas introduced politely.

"Girls? Seriously?" asked Lady, "I mean, you guys are boys. Well, not all of you, but still, you guys are BOYS! Shouldn't it be Dangerous Girls and Boys or...or Dangerous Boys and Girls? I don't know, anything other than just 'girls' ?" she spoke her mind.

"Yeah, I always wonder why we're called the Dangerous Girls. Miss DG thought of the name, not any of us."

"Oh, no wonder." It's kind of funny knowing that almost all of your teammates are boys but your team name is named after girls.

"Okay, enough chit-chat! Let me give you girls a tour of this place!" Lukas said. He took the four girls to walk around the basement, then the main floor, the second floor, and finally the backyard which contains the garden.

The sky has already turned reddish by the time they got to the backyard. They also met Gum there. He's a really hard-working person and he seems to be a nice one too.

Before the girls went home, Lukas informed them that it'd be nice if they would come tomorrow morning for training. They will be trained on the gadgets work and how to use them on the battlefield. They all agreed and went home to rest so they have enough energy to train tomorrow.

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