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Lightning struck, and thunder clapped. It was a rainy day in Cloud City. Funny, how could it rain in Cloud City? The city itself is above the clouds, rains aren't supposed to be there. It's not logic! Well, full logic doesn't exist in this world.

For the first time in a few years, a twin was born. The thing that shocked everyone was that one of the children was born with powers. Powers that no one could understand.

The children grew up to be fine toddlers. But, the power of the older child is uncontrollable. Days, weeks, and months passed, and the people of Cloud City were starting to get scared of this child. They were afraid of her powers that could cause something terrible. So, they decided to avoid her as much as possible.

Even at school, the child gets avoided, and sometimes bullied. Those were the things that made her powers blast out of nowhere and hurt other kids. The others blamed it on her without even thinking about what might cause this.

"What did you do? You did this to them, RIGHT?!"

It wasn't her fault. It was not her fault! She doesn't know how to control her powers. So, why does everyone always blame her for unusual things?! She doesn't want any of these powers. She never did! Everyone just couldn't understand that.

"She is not human."

"Her parents must be ashamed of her."

"She doesn't deserve to be in this world."

You know how people are, right? They were always talking behind someone's back. In this case, they talked behind her back until one day, she couldn't take it. Now that she's a teenager, the rage that had built up inside her through the years took the best of her.

"You people don't want me around?! Well, FINE! If that's what you want, then I will go away. But before that, I will give you a goodbye present so that you won't forget me." She used her powers to destroy the side of a mountain next to the city, causing an avalanche.

The people did nothing but run and scream for their life. Out of those people, only one stood out to talk to her.

"Jessyca! No! Don't go!" It was the twin sister.

The girl with the powers turned toward her sister.

"I'm sorry Jemmyca," she said, "but this is what's best for all of us." She went down from the clouds never to be seen again.

Yes, maybe she's not seen in Cloud City ever since. But, she arrived in a small town. A peaceful one to be exact. Once she found a quiet place, she started to learn how to control her powers each and every day. The only thing she didn't know, was that eyes were spying on her learning her powers.

One day, a man and a girl of her age came to her.

"Good afternoon, young lady!" the man greeted her.

Knowing that this man would only waste her time, she snapped, "What do you want?!" she asked straight to the point.

"Straight to the point, huh? Well then," the man said, "you see, I am the leader of the Mysterious Masks. We seek those who got what it takes to overpower the ones that are weak in this town. From what I see, you have a power that no one else has. With you on our side, we could take over the mayor's place, together!" explained the man.

"What's in it for me?" the girl asked.

"For an instant, you will have everyone's respect. No one will judge you over your unnatural powers. Not to mention, I will also make you one of the upper-class Mysterious Masks members. You will have an army of your own for you to command,"

"Hmm," she thought for a moment, "sounds good to me. I'm in!"

"Very well, welcome to the gang! My daughter Zara here will be your partner," the man said, indicating to the girl beside him.

"The name's Jessy," the girl with powers introduced.

"Don't get in my way, Jess! Or else I'll strip your arms off you so that you would never use those powers ever again," the man's daughter threatened.

The girl chuckled, "You won't do that. Cause I think we would make a good team."

Indeed, they became a powerful team that managed to take over the town. When they were in charge, the town became chaos. Because they rule over power that the people are scared of them.

Luckily, their power over the city doesn't last forever. After a few months of fear, the town is given new hope. Five heroes came to save the city. Those five heroes battled the Mysterious Masks and won. They saved the town and life was back to normal.

The leader of the Mysterious Masks was killed. The others ran away, while Jessy, the girl with the powers was captured and imprisoned in a mansion deep within the woods. She was the one who caused most of the destruction of the town. Therefore, she was held until who knows when. The girl who destroyed the town then became known as "The Dangerous Girl," and the town where she was imprisoned became known as "Dangerous Girl Town."

Author's note:
Hey, everyone! How are you doing? I hope you're feeling well. If not, then get well soon! This is the first time I write in English, so please forgive me if there's something wrong. Imagine-Nation is a place where you can make imaginations. 
Thank you for reading and see you later!

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