"You have got to be fucking kidding me. Dad, are you being serious? You are doing all this because of some kid that got sent here?"

Jae-Duk stood up and pointed his finger squarely at his face, saying, "that boy is your son! I know that your mother and I made many mistakes when you were growing up, but I still like to believe that you are a human being. Do you believe you would be in the position you are in now if your mother or I had done what you intended to do to that child?

"That was yall personal decision; what it got to do with me? You chose to keep me; I didn't ask to be kept, so why the comparison? I don't want him. His father should have contacted me and asked for my opinion before deciding to try and ruin my life."

"Are you fucking serious, Taehyung? That guy reached out to you several times! Your mother and I received proof-"

"Not hard enough. Evidence is in the next room. He could've tried harder; I am a busy man."

"That's it. I am not doing this with you. I have already said what needs to happen, which ends the conversation. You are getting married and will do all you can to make this shit disappear. Either do that or face the consequences because I can easily put someone else in your role!" Jae-Duk gave his son one final look of warning and turned his back.

Taehyung angrily pounded his fist on the table and yelled, "fuck!" as he did so. "You are not asking me to make a long-term commitment to any random person, are you?"

"I won't interfere with what you do or don't do in your marriage," Jae-Duk said to his son as he turned to gaze at him with a grin on his face but quickly covered it up as he looked at him. "As long as you adhere to the fundamental guidelines presented, you are free to act in any manner that strikes your interest. What matters most is that you clean up this mess."

"Who is the guy? Which of your great friend's sons do you want me to marry to make this go away? It better not be that annoying ass Hyung. Been there and done that, not interested."

Jae-Duk's face turned to disgust as he looked at his son, "I don't know how you became like this."

"To understand, you would need to be like me, and you are not. You can't be this great." Taehyung responded with a smirk.

"I wouldn't want to, son. You can be great on your own. At least I didn't have a child unknowingly."

"Whatever, who is the guy? Which one of your best friend's sons?"

"It's none. Ms. Jung-Nan's son has sadly agreed to help you with this mess." Ye-Bin, Taehyung's mother, said as she arrived in the room.

Taehyung's face turned to confusion, "ain't that the maid?"

"Ms. Jung-Nan to you. Be respectful."

"I know, but dad chose her son for me?"

Ye-Bin gave a satisfied nod and said, "It was my idea. He has a polished appearance, exudes humility, and leveraging him tells a good story. Because of who you are and what you've done in the past, people do not anticipate you marrying someone like him. Nevertheless, people would most likely be surprised and admire that you prioritized love above everything else in your life.

The story is pretty simple. You met him while his mother worked for us. Over time, feelings grew between you. Even though your father and I didn't want you to date him, you did it anyway behind our backs. Now, you've decided to get married because you're a committed man to the family that you have created.

Seokjin will be known to the public not only as your husband but also as Jimin's father. Jimin's records will show that both of you are his parents. Seokjin knows this and has also agreed. We're not letting the PR team help us with this, so I'll trust you to help shape the story in your favor. Seokjin will also never have to talk about this publicly because you will be in charge of doing so."

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