Part 3

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Betty- I-It was Fp, Jughead is getting released from the hospital but he needs me to come by. I don't know what's going to happen but could you take Amelia to your place for the rest of the day and tonight? I need to figure everything out. (cries)

Alice- Yeah, of course sweetheart, don't worry.

Betty- Thank you. (sniffles)

Alice- Don't cry my love.

Alice hugged Betty tightly before wiping her tears, then they walked back over to Amelia.

Betty- Baby, I have to go for a bit so you're going to stay with grandma tonight!

Amelia- Are you going to find daddy?

Betty- Kind of.

Amelia- I want to see him.

Betty- I know, me too, but right now you need to stay with grandma. Can you do that for me?

Amelia- Yes mama.

Betty- Thank you baby, I love you so much. (tears)

Amelia- I love you so much too!

Amelia got up out of her chair and hugged her mother tightly before kissing her cheek, then Betty left to go back to the hospital.

As soon as she arrived she took a deep breath before walking through the waiting room and making her way to Jughead's room, but as she saw him her heart just broke again. She loved him so much and she wanted to just kiss him but he didn't even remember her. The Fp turned to see her.

Fp- Betty, hey.

Betty- Hi. (softly)

She walked over to the man and sat down next to him but as she looked at Jughead she realized he was looking back at her. But then Fp whispered to her...

Fp- I didn't tell him who you are yet, I think that's something you two will need to talk about. (whispers)

Betty nodded before the doctor came in, instantly he turned to her.

Doctor- Elizabeth, Fp, can we talk outside for a moment?

They nodded and stood up, following the doctor. Then he began to talk to them.

Doctor- I already spoke with Fp early but basically he remembers Fp, his mother and his sister, but no one else. I know this situation is really hard for you right now but the best way for him to possibly gain his memories back is by bringing him back to your house, his familiar setting. Show him some old pictures, bring him to his favorite places, just anything that could possibly trigger a memory.

Betty- So h-he doesn't remember me or Amelia? (tears)

Fp- No...I'm so sorry sweetheart.

Betty- What am I going to tell her? "I'm sorry, your father doesn't remember you"? (cries)

Doctor- Just try to get her to understand and spend time with him and do what she would usually do with him.

Betty- She's four, how is she supposed to understand? (cries)

Fp- Amelia is so smart, if you talk to her she will understand. (tears)

Betty nodded and the three of them walked back inside. The doctor checked out Jughead one more time but then they were allowed to leave. Fp had signed Jughead out and then they drove home, Fp drove Jughead while Betty drove herself. But as soon as they arrived Jughead was confused.

Jughead- Dad, why is she here?

Fp- This is where you are going to be staying, with Betty.

Jughead- But I don't even know her?!

Fp- Jughead, you do, you just need to remember.

Jughead- It's kinda hard to remember when I've never seen her before.

Betty heard what he had said and began to cry before running inside the house, then Fp turned to Jughead while sighing.

Fp- Jug, you need to be careful about what you say around her, she's really emotional right now and you saying that you don't remember her is hurting her.

Jughead- I don't mean to-

Fp- I know, but you two need to talk, okay?

Jughead- Fine.

Fp and Jughead walked inside. Jughead sat on the couch awkwardly while Betty was still crying in the kitchen.

Fp went to her and hugged her tightly knowing this whole situation was hard for her, but then he had to leave.

Fp- Alright, I need to head home but if you guys need anything you can call me.

Betty- (nods) Thank you. (sniffles)

Betty hugged him one last time before he walked out but then she was left looking at her husband who still had no idea who she was.

Jughead- Are you just going to stand there?

Betty- S-Sorry... (quietly)

She walked over to him and sat down next to him on the couch nervously but then he looked up and saw one of the pictures of them from when they were younger.

Jughead- What's this?

He got up and grabbed the picture from the side table before looking at Betty with a confused expression.

Jughead- What is going on? This is clearly me but why don't I remember this...or you?

Betty- Y-You know you were in a car accident. (tears)

Jughead- Yeah...

Betty- I'm still not exactly sure what happened but somehow you hit your head and now you can't remember anyone other than your mom, dad and sister. (tears)

Jughead- W-What..?

She looked down at the ground but as she felt the couch dip next to her she turned her head and saw him looking at her.

Jughead- So...who are you? Are we friends?

Betty- You could say that. (tears)

Jughead- What do you mean?

Betty- (sighs) We're married...I'm your wife. (softly)

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