Chapter 2: The Lair

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"He clearly said, "On it." Did no one hear Apollo say "On it."???" Raph said, annoyed.

"One of the only things he says today and Leo had to completely ignore it." Donnie commented.

"Yaaa, but I got it with style." Leo said, putting his hands behind his head and walking with pride.

Like he had anything to be prideful of.

"But you didn't get it!!! You lost it!! And now we've got a Foot Clan situation!" Raph protested, hoping to smack some sense into his younger brother.

Leo just walked to his room, taking off his sock things (A.N: i don't know what they are, if they have a name, do tell), dropping his swords on the floor and kicking back on his bed. Reading a Jupiter Jim comic like nothing happened.

Like everything would be ok.

"When are you gonna start to take things seriously?" Raph asked, leaning up against Leo's doorframe, arms crossed. A genuine question in a more than serious tone. But not in Leo Land.

"And end up with a "Raph Chasm" like you? No no, I don't need one of those." Leo sat up and faced Raph with a cocky smile.

Outside, Apollo set it bow and arrows down on the table.

"Hmm?" he hummed.

Donnie understood, "Raph-Leo argument.. again." he said, annoyed. Their arguments had gotten more and more frequent. Almost as if that's what their hobby was. Arguing.

Just by reading Apollo's facial expressions as he walked over to the window to where he could see the argument, Donnie knew what he was asking without Apollo even having to open his mouth.

"Leo doesn't get the severity of what just happened. Raph is trying to make him see it." he explained. Apollo hummed, understanding.

"You just don't get it, Leo. I'm the oldest, I'm responsible for keeping us safe and making sure we can handle anything that comes our way. Cause if I don't, you could all end up dead.."

Apollo watched through the window, his chest tightening in sadness to his brother's words. They were true, but he couldn't imagine that sort of weight on his shoulders.

"I'm sorry. Could you repeat, well. Everything." Leo said, with a cocky smile.

Of course.

Apollo's expression dropped to an 'are you serious' look with a spice of 'I expected this'.

With not a second to spare, Raph's mystic fist came barreling through the wall, sending Leo flying. Donnie, Mikey and Apollo jumped out of the way in time to narrowly dodge the attack.

"No wonder you always wanna train! You really need the practice!" Leo taunted, squaring up to his brother, jumping around and swinging his fists in a way that was just meant to be taunting. Mikey got in front of Leo, trying to block him from Raph.

"Let him go, Mikey.." Raph said, voice filled with anger, charging his mystic weapons.

Donnie and Apollo jumped on Raph, latching onto him in hopes of stopping him. Which it didn't.

Raph charged Leo, and everyone braced for impact. But right when all hell would break loose.

"Boys! Stop this arguing!" Splinter yelled from the staircase above. The light behind him creating a silhouette of his body.

"But, Dad, Leo keeps-" Raph protested.

"A-bah-bah-bah-bah." Splinter shushed,"You are a team, you are brothers. And most importantly. You are too loud!!! I cannot hear my TV show. Tristan finally proposed to Annabelle, but did she say yes? I don't know because of you!!" he stated, "Be the ninjas I trained you to be. Respectful. AND QUIET!!!" he yelled walking back to his show.

The Silence StingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora