Chapter 1: Pizza Start

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Life in the big city. Seems interesting, doesn't it? Sometimes things get interesting, real interesting..

On top of the Brooklyn Bridge, nearly 8:30 at night. Almost pitch black out, other than the glow of the city in the back. All the different colors lighting the way for Leo. Cause he just had to break the pizza box stacking record at this very moment.

"Easy, Leo.. You've got this." he whispered, quietly to himself, "..It's time to break the pizza box stacking record!!" he yelled, nearly toppling the entire stack of what looked to be, 200 pizza boxes on top of his head.

"They said it couldn't be done but look who's doin' it! Moi. Y'know that's Spanish for Leo." he stated in his normal cocky tone. His arms where spread out to his sides, giving him extra balance as he took unnecessarily large steps towards the top of the bridge

Donnie then, per usual, came hovering down to Leo's eye-line with his tech. Shaking his head, confident his brother would never beat the record.

"Go on, my non-lingual brother. My record still stands until you reach the top, which according to my calculations, isn't very feasible." Donnie said, putting on his glasses as the calculated the exact chances that Leo would actually make it, distance he had left to go and wind pressure. As he spoke there wasn't a lick of sarcastic in his voice.

"Well, according to my calculations, if you believe in can do anything!!" Mikey said, whipping this chain of his nunchucks around the bar Leo was walking up and landing on it, before launching himself towards the top of the bridge.

"Thanks little brother. And no one believes in themselves more than me! Leo! Leo! Le-"

An arrow whizzed by all of them. Narrowly missing Leo's pizza stack, planting itself in the metal at the top of the bridge. Not a second after Apollo flew by them all, shaking the stack slightly, sitting atop the bridge. Hands between his legs on the metal, kicking his legs to and fro, happily watching his brother. Almost wanting to see the entire stack fall, but also wanting to be supportive and hope he make it.

"And you! Another little brother! Need to watch it. You almost knocked over my stack!" Leo stated, stopping to balance all the pizzas. Apollo stuck his tongue out at him and smiled, giggling slightly to himself.

"Leo..Leo.. Leo! Leo! Leo!" Mikey and Leo started to chant as he inched closer to the top, before finally making it. Jumping up, landing on his knees and losing most of the boxes in the process.

"Yes! I am Leo!!" he yelled, triumphantly.

"There you are!"

All the boys looked up to the voice, seeing their red bandana'd, older brother, Raphael!

"I've been looking all over for you guys!" he said, arms crossed with a slight smile on his face as the extra bits of his bandana blew gently in the wind.

"Oh hey Raph! Guess who just broke the record!" Leo said, doing what could only be assumed to be a victory dance. Mikey joined him, Donnie sat on his little tablet in the back and Apollo basically just watched it all, laughing silently.

"What?? How many did you- UGH! Stop distracting Raph!" Raph said to himself, "We were supposed to be training."

"A tat-tat, hold that thought." Leo put a finger to Raph's mouth, "Donnieee..?"

"Donnnieee..?" Mikey followed, taunting his brother even more.

"You sir, have bested me.." Donnie sighed. Leo and Mikey only pushed farther, coughing basically saying 'aaannnddd?'.

Donnie sighed once more, before unenthusiastically raising his hand and chanting, "Leo. Leo. Leo." Not long after Mikey and Leo joined him while Apollo did a little dance in the back.

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