Chapter 1: The Confession

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My name is Walter Hartwell White. I live at 308 Arroyo Lane, Albuquerque, New Mexico, 87104. This is my confession.

Walter White slowly opened his eyes. He was sitting in a pitch black jail cell, hands cuffed, and a man beside him. "Good morning, Mr Walter White."

Walter white looked up in confusion. "Where am I?"

"You're in purgatory." The Mysterious Man spoke with a calming voice. Walter White's eyes widen in fear.

"No need to be afraid. I can help you, just like I helped that man in the cell over there." The Man points over at a cell in front of them. A man laid on the floor, curled into a ball. His hands bled and he cried out in pain.

Walter screamed in shock and started shivering in fear. "What's wrong with him?"

The Mysterious Man shook his head, "No need to worry. My name is Mr. Heck. I'm here to help you. You've been cursed with a terrible disease that has plagued New Mexico. I've been constructing a cure to help everybody out. I've completed it now, and you are the first customer. Click here to claim your prize"

"But.. how can I trust you?" Walter white asks. "And how do you know my name?"

The Mysterious Man laughs, "I'm the Gatekeeper of Purgatory. I've helped many others in the past, and I know everyone and everything. I have even helped others from different universes."


This man is freaking insane. He has to be. There's no way the Gatekeeper is real.

Before Walter can say anymore, The "Gatekeeper" moves the topic forward. "What were you doing before you were infected?"

"I was cooking Meth. But it wasn't working, which is out of character." Walter rasped, his voice was trembling anxiously.

"I see." The Gatekeeper responds, his voice booming, and he suddenly claps. "Give me a second." He starts shuffling through his belongings and pulls out a vial, it was full of water. He pops the lid off and slowly brings his arm closer to Walter.

"What are you doing?" Walter asks. 

"No need to worry!" The gatekeeper said with a cheerful voice. It almost sounded like he was being playful with Walter. "Here, drink this!"

Walter physically twists his body backwards, avoiding the vial. He knocked Walter off the chair he was tied to and pins him to the ground. Walter started squirming, but the Gatekeeper poured the contents down his throat. The Gatekeeper shifted his hands excitedly together, "It's done!". After several more moments, Walter passes out.

The Gatekeeper picks him up and shoves his body into an extra free cage.

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