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It was a beautiful night in Paris, along with the illuminated lights on the Eiffel Tower. The moon was glowing and there stood a boy with black cat ears and a cat tail, searching for leftovers in the dumpster, starving.

"There has to be something I can eat!" He dug through the garbage.

Disgusted by the smell and found nothing to eat. He really needed food to live. He yowled at the moon in distress. Soon enough he ran to find more food. He spots a truck loading box of fish for the food store to deliver but it won't be easy to get past the men without being spotted.

"Purrfect" He sneaked in the loaded truck.

Extending his claws to open the box like a can of tuna and there inside was a mother-load of raw fish he had been dying to eat.

"I told you he likes fish" The man said, holding a weapon made of gold that weakens werecats.

"Again? You boys really need to watch out. I am wild like a cat but I do fight like a man" The boy said.

"We'll see about it. This was to lure you out" The man said.

The boy coughed and retched out a hairball, "Sorry, I'm a starving kitty. You really don't wanna piss me off again" He simply grabbed the salmon fish to eat.

"Then get out of here!" The man shouted.

"MEEEEOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!" He yowled angrily with sharp claws and teeth.

"Okay! Okay! Take the box of fish! Happy?!" The man quivered in fear.

"Good boy" The boy snatched the whole box.


Later, he came back to the abandoned workshop where he calls it his home. His only friends are the street cats.

"Hello my babies" He greets the cats.

They all meowed in hunger, circling him for food that he brought.

"I got some fresh fish for you" He opened the box.

The cats began munching on the fish he brought while he goes to the couch, "Another night of my nocturnal hunting" He ate his fish.

He looks out the window, seeing the moon shine. Tomorrow he hopes it's a new day for him, wishing that he doesn't have to hide anymore, "Just one day something might happen" He said to himself.

Glancing at the cats eating fish and just how much they love him being the feline master, even if he's half human.

"Well, I wish I really had someone to talk with" He said to himself.


The next day, he wore a hoodie to cover his cat ears and his tail, trying to blend in but dogs can sense that he's not pure human. As soon as he got near some, they growled at him.

"Keep it together, Adrien" He whispered to himself.

While walking, he wasn't looking when he accidentally bumped into someone, "Ugh! Oh, sorry my bad!" It was a blue-haired girl he bumped into.

"Uh, meow? I mean hi" Adrien said.

"Are you okay?" She helps him up.

"I'm okay. I wasn't looking" Adrien said.

"I'm Marinette. I just moved here and starting a new life" Marinette introduced herself.

"Oh, nice name. I'm Adrien" Adrien replied.

"Pleasure to meet you" Marinette shook hands with him.

Adrien made sure to keep his claws camouflaged as human nails, "Yeah, same here" Adrien said.

"Are you new around here?" Marinette asked.

"Nope, I grew up in Paris" Adrien said.

"Oh, I see" Marinette shrugs.

"So, starting a new life in Paris, huh?" Adrien asked.

"Yeah, It's the city of loaf...I mean love and art!" Marinette messed up her line.

"Yup, exactly. Anyways, I'll see you later, Marinette" Adrien said.

"See you soon" Marinette said before leaving.

Adrien was heading to the skate park to skateboard, hoping that humans don't suspect that he's half human. His long blond hair hides that he has no human ears. He saw a few teenagers doing skateboard tricks while some get minorly injured without a helmet. One was sliding down and jumps midair with the skateboard spinning before standing on the board again.

"Well, here goes" He glides down and up, turning on the edge before going back to the other side in full speed.

He glides across the ramp sides, switching turn as he got to the edges, flips the board as he jumps and lands on again showing off his talent.

"Wow, look at that!" One guy watched.

"He got some skills" Another said.

But then, he lost his balance and tumbles on the floor, revealing his cat ears, "Crap" Adrien covers his ears with a hoodie. His cat tail stood out and the teenagers gasped.

"Look! A werecat!" One teenager pointed.

"Oh jeez!" Adrien ran off.

Nearby, Marinette heard the commotion nearby, "What's going on?" She heard people scream.

"An animal boy! After him!" The teen said.

"Oh no, I gotta help him!" Marinette saw that the animal boy was Adrien.

She then casts magic from her hands, "From what you see is not in the naked eye, hide the person from plain sight" She said the incantation spell and her magic goes straight to Adrien and he disappears like he's hidden.

"Hey! Where did he go?!" The teens got confused.

But then he saw his chance to escape from the public, "You're welcome" Marinette smiled and goes to where he's going.

He came back to his abandoned workshop and sighed in relief that he had no idea why they couldn't see him.

"Whatever happened, I'm glad no one had gold bullets" He slumps on his couch.

"Meow" His cat hands him raw fish.

"Thank you Plagg" He thanked his cat and Plagg jumps off the couch to join the other cats.

"Why can't I just make a new friend?" Adrien sighed and ate his fish.

A few minutes later, he was taking a nap. But then he smelled a human and he meowed in alarm when he saw the same girl in his lair.

"AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!" They both screamed at each other.

"What are you doing here? How did you find me?" He asked her in a defensive pose.

"Whoa, easy with those claws!" Marinette said nervously.

"Oh, erm, sorry. Again, how did you find me?" He asked again.

"I may have followed you" Marinette replied.

The feline blushed that he was followed by a girl, "How long was I napping before you got here?" He asked.

"About an hour or so" Marinette guessed.

"Are you here to put me in a zoo? A circus? The government?" Adrien did not trust this human. All his life he never trusted anyone because they would always try to capture him.

"No, I'm not here to do any of that" Marinette assured him.

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