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Adrien sniffed her scent just to be sure she's not lying. There were times he can sense danger from time to time but this girl doesn't look like a threat.

"What are you doing?" Marinette asked nervously.

"Making sure you are not a threat to me" Adrien sniffed her hair, neck, and hands.

"Um okay. You should know one thing about me" Marinette said.

"What's that?" Adrien asked.

"I'm a white witch," Marinette said.

Adrien scoffed, "I don't believe in witchcraft, princess. The only thing I believe is monsters"

"Want proof, kitty cat?" Marinette replied.

"Yes, to see if you're making this up, princess. I'm a very wild cat with nine lives" Adrien grinned and wiggles his cat ears.

"Then watch this" She held her hands out. They started to glow and she demonstrates by levitating a box.

"Wow, impressive. Can you turn stone to gold?" Adrien wondered.

"I can do all sorts of spells. I see you look starved" Marinette summons a pile of dead fish and the cats rushed towards the pile to eat.

"Wow, you really are a witch" Adrien gasps.

He grabbed the dead salmon fish to eat and indeed that human was right, he was really starving due to struggling to survive.

"So you're a Werecat? Born or cursed?" Marinette asked.

"Born" Adrien replied while munching.

"Interesting. I've learned spells since I was a kid" Marinette said.

"I always describe witchcraft as a bad thing," Adrien said.

"Really? I use magic for the good stuff" Marinette said.

"So it was you who made me invisible?" Adrien figured it out.

"That's right," Marinette said.

"Why?" He asked and spit out the bone ribs.

"I had to save you" Marinette explained.

"I'm a monster, princess. But thanks" Adrien said and tossed the fish bones aside.

"Mmhmm. Well, I saw only a creature in distress today" Marinette teased him.

"Hmph, I got nine lives, puuuuuuurrrrrincess" Adrien crossed his arms.

"Was that a pun?" Marinette raised a brow.

"Yeah, for a witch you look more like a fairytale Princess" Adrien joked.

"Hilarious. Well, I better get going. If you ever need a friend, here's my address" She gave him a business card.

"Thank you, Marinette" Adrien thanked her.

"No problem. I hope you can jump to great heights like a cat" Marinette said and left the abandoned place.

"She's so pretty like a Ladybug" Adrien smiled.


Later after giving his cats a bowl of milk and to himself, he thought of visiting that bakery where she lives at. He puts on his hoodie and heads out, blending in the dark. He jumped to great lengths on the rooftops so that humans don't chase him.

"Okay, it shouldn't take long to get there" He looks at the card.

He jumps from rooftop to rooftop until he saw the apartment with the bakery Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie standing below.

"Ah, I guess those former bakers really did sell the place" Adrien smirked and landed in front of the bakery and knocks on the door, "Hello? Anyone there?" He waited, until he saw the sign saying closed, "Oh, right" Adrien said and thought of getting inside from the window, if there is an open one.

He jumped to great lengths until he found an open hatch on the balcony roof, "Knock knock!" He tapped on it.

"Who is it?!" Marinette called underneath.

"It's your friendly neighbor kitty" He replied.

Marinette pops out of the hatch, seeing him, "Oh, it's you, Adrien. Come in"

He jumped down like a cat, "Meow"

"Welcome to my lair, kitty cat," Marinette said and closed the hatch.

"And I noticed that you and your parents bought this bakery place. Potions to turn people into frogs?" He asked with a tease.

"Not exactly. Baking sweets, macaroons, and bread" Marinette said.

"Meow, I love delicious croissants and macaroons" He lies down next to her.

"Nice. Wanna try one?" Marinette took out a plate of them.

Adrien picks one and ate it, tasting it, "Mmmmm..... taste like pears"

"For a wild Werecat, you sure have your human side" Marinette giggled.

"I'm half human" Adrien took another macaroon.

 "Tell me, how did you end up on the streets?" Marinette asked.

Adrien paused for a second and decided to tell her, "I was 10 years old when I grew cat ears and a tail. My father did not want me and he was gonna sell me out but I escaped and lived on the streets. I never saw him again" Adrien explained his story.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Adrien" Marinette felt sorry for him.

"Thank you. I barely even know my mother. Father said she passed away" Adrien said.

"I'm sorry. She was a Werecat like you I'm guessing" Marinette said, rubbing his cat ears.

"Yes but it must have been kept secret," Adrien said.

"My poor kitty" Marinette stroked his hair and she hear a loud rumble, like a purr.

"Thanks, Marinette" Adrien closed his eyes.

"Wow, you can purr?" Marinette giggled and continues to pet him.

"Uhhhhh.... No way" Adrien blushed.

"It sounded cute" Marinette tries to find the spot that makes him purr.

She scratched him between his ears to make him purr, "What are you—-" Adrien let out a loud purr.

"Your purring is so cute," Marinette said.

"Wild cats don't like to be petted," Adrien said while purring.

"You aren't that wild to me," Marinette said.

"I'm not?" Adrien asked.

"Nope, all gentle and cute," Marinette said

"We just met" Adrien lies down.

"Yeah, but you need a friend," Marinette said.

"I have cats as my friends" Adrien purred.

"Yeah, but someone to talk to" Marinette replied.

"Ah that. Well, you're the first one I've really talked to, unlike those I steal fish from" Adrien said.

"Oh, kitty. How long have you been alone?" Marinette asked.

"For four or five years," Adrien said.

"You know, whenever I try to do good, they think I'm bewitched. We both tried hard to fit in" Marinette said.

"Guess we have something in common" Adrien said.

"Yeah, except I don't have to hide my ears and well tail," Marinette said.

"Well, I have to," Adrien said.

"Yes. Luckily there aren't many witch hunters" Marinette said, laying down.

"There were many of them during the 17th century," Adrien said.

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