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Wanda Maximoff x Reader

Requested by Anon

Halloween event

Yelena and Pietro had spent a week gathering everyone together. There was going to be a movie night and they had even gone so far as to superheroes rotating in or out of their makeshift movie theatre.

You'd already seen most of the movies and honestly weren't looking forward to them. You still said that you'd join them if they could and for now that had placated Yelena and Pietro enough that they hadn't asked again since they last saw you.

Avoiding being dragged in, you walked around the Avengers compound and found Wanda by herself. She had a stack of sitcom box sets in front of her.

"What're you watching?" You asked. When she saw you in the doorway she patted the bed next to her.
"Vis and I are watching all of the Halloween episodes of my shows. But he had to go so I'm finishing this one while I wait for him." She answered and smiled when you laughed at one of the gags as someone flailed around a little on the screen.

"Are you going to the movie night?" You asked. Wanda shrugged.

"I said I might if Vision comes back in time. Do you not want to go?" She asked curiously.

"Well. I did but the movies that they picked are all the ones that freak me out." You said quietly and she nodded.
"Films these days are getting quite realistic." She muttered thoughtfully as she looked back towards her TV.

"Will you come to movie night? Please. I don't want anyone to know scary movies freak me out." You asked after a while. She smiled and glanced at the clock.

"Alright. But I will be leaving when Vis gets back." She got up and grabbed at a bag of candy corn that had been on her bed next to her and followed you out to the makeshift cinema that Pietro and Yelena had put together. You were quickly ushered to a pair of seats and you spent the next hour clinging to Wanda's arm. When Vision returned you left with Wanda and the three of you went to finish Wand's sitcom Halloween. She ended up with a few others who had found the horror marathon a little too much as well.

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