Thank you - December 2021

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As you cleaned up the pots and pans Wanda and Vision put the children to bed. You couldn't help but wonder what was happening outside of the shrinking Hex. How would leaving it change you. It had changed Monica. You'd seen it with your own eyes.

Once you were done you went into the living room and looked sound. How long had you been in the Hex with Wanda? It felt like years but Darcy had said it was days. You had been angry with Wanda but now. What would be teh use in anger. She'd lost so much and now. She had to lose everything else.

"Strange to see how a good dinner reconciles everybody." Wanda said as she stepped into the room.

"It was good." You said. You weren't sure what to say. Wanda began to turn everything off until Vision joined you. With a nod you left the room and went back to the kitchen to curiously watch the Hex. You could see through the doorway the glow of red and yellow as they said goodbye. Closing your eyes and letting a tear fall you felt a power wash over you and then it was done. You opened your eyes and found yourself on the pavement where you had been the day before. You thought of how you tried to call out for Wanda, insisting that you could help and then BAM. It had all changed. The power that came from her grief was unstoppable and uncontainable. It was over now and Wanda was alone again. Standing in the ruins of the place she'd made her home. You walked over and took her hand.

"I have to go." She said quietly.

"I know. I could go with you. If you didn't want to be alone?" You offered. She smiled and turned to you.

"Thank you. For staying. For understanding." She said carefully. You nodded and she hugged you. "But you should go back to Strange. I have things to... think about."

You watched as she walked away and down the road. As she went out of view you sucked in a sharp breath and tried to not feel so upset. A portal began to open beside you but by the time Strange stepped through he was too late and the two of you watched Wanda flying away, far off in the distance.

Wanda Maximoff ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang