Never again - Halloween 2021

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You could feel Darcy helping you to your feet. You still felt exhausted and a little numb. "You ok?" Darcy asked as she steadied you. You smiled when she handed you a juice back from her bag. "You've been trapped in a fake tv show for like a week so... it's ok if you're not ok." Darcy added.

You'd been cleaning up the mess left behind by the Avengers. You didn't exactly have much help. Everything came back in a rush. People, objects, the world changing in an instant. You'd left your post to help Wanda when Darcy had reached out to you. You'd been the only person to get through and through your semi-consciousness you could see everything that was happening inside the hex.

Wanda had given you back the people you'd lost, whether she meant to or not. But her pain started to seep into your mind and infect your body. You were tired and unable to sleep, sometimes you'd be frozen, you mind watching and racing, but you weren't able to move. As time went on it became worse.

"(Y/N)?" Wanda called as she slowly walked over to her. You'd wanted to help her. Even when you'd asked to be let go, she'd found a way to miss understand like she couldn't accept that the hex wasn't reality. "I'm sorry. I... I... I'm sorry." She said as if she wasn't sure what else to say.

"I know... I understand. If I could have done it, I would have too." You said quickly. She smiled but it seemed to fade from her face when you didn't meet her eyes. She'd fight beside you, you'd join her and Vision during meals and movie nights. You'd been family. "But please don't ever do that again. Use magic with me. Or on me, or near me. Never again."

"Of course." Wanda muttered. She nodded and let a lingering look fall over you before turning away with her boys and Vision close beside her. You felt Darcy squeeze your hand.

"Hey, once we get you fixed up and rested, maybe we can get Jimmy and try to help her. He is FBI after all and I bet Monica will help!" Darcy offered. You didn't say anything as Monica started to call for you and gestured for you to get checked over by one of the ambulances. Someone handed Darcy some food for you. You watched Wanda as she and her little family walked away. 

Wanda Maximoff ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin