Halloween patrol - Halloween 2021

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Wanda and Vision had agreed to come with you on Halloween. You'd come up with a strategy to teach safety on Halloween by using superheroes. But everyone had been busy. When you'd gone and slumped face down on Wanda's bed while she and Vision were watching reruns they'd asked you what was wrong.

"Are we still waiting for (Y/N)?" Wanda asked. Vision nodded. Natasha had wanted to come too but had been called away last minute so Yelena was recruited for your team. They had decided you should dress as a Black Widow for the trick or treaters. When you emerged into the main living quarters of the avengers compound you looked a little nervous.

"Does my costume look spooky to you?" You asked. Compared to Yelena you didn't feel very scary. You'd been working tech for Maria Hill before Clint and Natasha had decided that they liked you and started training you and the costume felt a little odd.

"It will do for now." Yelena said as she followed you.

"You know I think it looks sweet." Wanda said quickly.

"Sweet? I'm supposed to like... intimidating." You grumbled.

"Well if I was a criminal I would be intimidated." Vision assured you. You frowned at him then looked at Wanda.

"Maybe I should just wear something else. What if no one takes me seriously?" You complained. Yelena tutted and muttered under her breath.

"This is what Natasha wanted you to go as and she wanted to be an ambassador for your Halloween safety program. So you can go as the Black Widow's ambassador." Wanda suggested.

"Oh yes! That's brilliant darling! (Y/N) you've been selected by the bed assassin we know to keep the children of New York safe with pamphlets and stickers!" Vision said, getting very into the idea. Wanda chuckled and agreed, matching his energy until you laughed with them.

"I still think that your self defence idea was better. So what if Stark did not approve, children should know how to defend themselves." Yelena muttered as she watched you gather your pamphlets and supplies, taking a pack that you handed her.

"We tried it but the mayor of New York asked us to revise the program because a six year old managed to dislocate their dad's shoulder. You could help us with the new one if you like?" You offered as the four of you headed out to the cars. She nodded and said she would.

"You're sure you have everything you need?" Wanda asked quietly. You nodded and she smiled, squeezing your hand. "Well we'll be flying right over head and we practised the big entrance and everything should be set up for your big speech."

"I'll be ok." You assured her, unsure which of you was more nervous. She wrinkled her nose with excitement and shooed you in the car. You watched as she and Vision took to the sky and you started the car.

"Wouldn't being secretive help with the whole superhero thing?" Yelena asked.

"It does for some superheroes but the Avengers kind of do public stuff sometimes. Kids listen to superheroes and stuff. But this is nowhere near as bad as the videos that Steve, Natasha and Bruce had to do. You can find the video Bruce did on lab safety on Stark Tube. It's really funny. The old safety videos Natasha did were funny too. They dressed her up like she was on a night out in the forties and had people try and attack her to teach safety tips but she just kept slamming them right into the floor and she threw one into the wall."

"We'll have to look at that when we get back." Yelena said. You glanced up and saw that Wanda and Vision were still above the car.

"Yeah. Let's just get everyone through Halloween safely. Jessica Jones says that people go crazy on Halloween." You muttered. 

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