Ferris wheel

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Wanda Maximoff x Reader

Requested by Anon

Halloween event

You stared up at the horror house. People were coming out covered in fake blood while some came out with the event medics pushing them on stretchers. Natasha and Yelena had hurried to get in line while you fell back.

While they went in you managed to slip away with the crowd passing by and found somewhere to sit. After a while Wanda came over to you, she had two large colourful candy floss on sticks in her hands. "You're sitting all alone?"

"Yeah. I just didn't want to go in there." You gestured to the horror house and both of you watched while another person was wheeled out by a paramedic who took them off towards the medical tent.

"Well. I'm sure we could find something to do. There's so much here. You know Vis is testing his strength against Steve and Thor in that game with the bell. We could go and see if he won." Wanda smiled as you pulled at the candy floss and got up to follow her. When you stopped by to see who had won the strength game you found that a large crowd had gathered and they were now having a tournament against anyone who wanted to see how strong they were. You spotted Sam and Bucky sitting on top of a food truck watching the commotion. As you looked over their way you spotted the large Ferris wheel.

"We could have a go?" Wanda offered. She smiled as you finished the candy floss and headed over to the Ferris wheel. Seeing as many people had also started to avoid the horror house as well the line was quite long.

"You don't mind missing out on the scary stuff and riding the Ferris wheel with me?" You asked Wanda as the two of you waited in line. She smiled and scrunched up her nose.

"No. Of course not. We'll get a great view when we're up there." Wanda smiled at that. As the two of you got near the front of the line, Vision joined the two of you.

"Are you two going to try out the horror house? I hear that Yelena and Natasha are among the only ones to complete the whole thing." Vision asked as the line moved forwards a little.

"No. I think we're avoiding that one. A lot of people haven't managed to make it all the way through." Wanda answered quickly. The line thinned out even more and you found yourselves waiting at the front.

"You know I believe Mr Barnes has promised to take a group through the horror house with Natasha and Yelena." Visions said. Wanda smiled and turned to you.

"Maybe we can all go in as a group. If you're up to it." Wanda offered. You nodded hesitantly it had to turn away as the next load of riders needed to get on.

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