The trader grumbled underneath his breath, obviously displeased. He tried to change her mind but she insisted on her amount.

      " You can't afford to be cocky to me, my good Sir. If you don't sell to me, someone else would be willing to for a much lesser price. The only reason I'm giving you this is because you take good care of your horses."

         In the end, he gave in. Selling the horse at the price she insisted. She immediately paid for it, asking him to deliver it to the villa close by. The trader's eyes widened when he realized who is customer was. Everyone in the village knew who lived in that huge villa.

      Next, she went to mercenary shop, buying extra supplies before going back home. By the time she arrived at the villa, she was already exhausted and her arms ached from the things she carried. But her heart was light and she was visibly excited. She first stopped at the villa's stable to see the horse she bought already delivered. Dropping the rest of the supplies in the stable, she ran out to look for him.

     She met him coming down the stairs, on his way out of the villa. He paused when he saw her but soon he was rushing down the stairs to catch up to her. " I was just about to look for you, Your nanny told me to you went to the village." He said once he was close enough, his filled with worry and relief.

       Her cheeks heated up at his words. It surprised that he was concerned about her whereabouts. She looked away, rubbing her arms nervously.

        " I want to show you something." She rushed out, turning around. She glanced back at him. " Come on..!" She urged and he followed her. She led him to the stable.

       " What is it?" Dexter asked, wondering why she was so excited. They stopped at the stable and he looked around. He spotted a horse he hadn't before.

        " This is why I went into the village. I got you a horse. " She announced excitedly, clapping her hands. " We don't have anything here and if you want to go back home, you need one.  No need hiring a carriage from the capital since we live close to the borders and it might rouse suspicion." Then, she glanced at him. " Are you going okay with it?" She asked gently, slightly worried he might refuse. He didn't say anything for so long, his eyes widened in shock.
     " You got me a horse?!" He repeated, running closer to the horse. He reached for it's muzzle, touching it tentatively. The horse neighed in response. A grin broke out on his face. Somehow, he looked like a child that just received his favorite toy. Maya chuckled on seeing it.

     " That's not all..." She continued, walking ahead to bring the rest of supplies. " In there has most of the things you will need." She said to him.

    He quickly collected it from her, peering at the contents." You didn't have to..." He trailed off, glancing at her, an indescribable look in his eyes.

     She was already shaking her head.  " I insist, you need all the help you can get and I am more than happy to give it." She replied. She is indeed happy to give it. It was all worth it to see the reaction on his face.
      " You've already done so much for me... How will I ever repay you?"

      " You don't have to..." She replied easily. She glanced at him and froze, seeing the look on his face.

      He didn't look to convinced. Blushing, she turned away, palming her forehead. " Oh, if you really want to repay me, get your revenge on the person who did this to you!" She said, trying to sound stern, folding her hands.

       He chuckled seeing the pout on her face. He dropped the bag to the ground, walking up to her. Maya fought the urge to take steps back, her heart pounding.

     " Is that all you want, though?" He asked, his voice dropping a few octaves as he leaned towards her. The blush grew, spreading all over her face, down her neck. He's never been this close before.

      "I-if you really want to repay me...." She cut off, biting her lips, unable to finish her sentence.

       " Hmm?" He urged, a brow raised. Her body tingled in places as she felt his body heat surrounding her.This man was trying to force the words out of her mouth. She fisted her hands together, staring at him dead in the eye.

      " if you really want to pay me back for all I've done for you, go become king of your kingdom and make me your queen."

       " Do you really mean that?" He asked, his voice soft and oh... So alluring.

        " What better way to repay me than to get revenge on your brother, take the kingdom from him and make me your queen? That sounds like a good bargain." She deadpanned. Dexter seemed to find what he wanted as he grinned, his eyes twinkling. Heavens, but his smile disarms her.
      " I'll keep that in mind." He whispered, his voice low and husky. Maya was suddenly reminded how much of a man prince Dexter was. She didn't know if she should be excited or terrified about it.

       " My princess..!" A voice called outside of the stable, interupting them. Maya recognized it to be her Nanny and she hurried away, her heart racing. Dexter straightened to his full height, wiping the smile of his face.

       " What is it Nanny?" She asked, her voice breathless. Her face was still burning.

      " I have been looking over for you. Lunch is ready, my princess. You should come eat. You must be hungry." She said

       Hunger was the last thing on her mind but she didn't argue. " I was just showing Prince Dexter some of the things I bought. I was on my way in." Not daring to look at Dexter, she cleared her throat and started to leave the stable.
      " Thank you once again." Dexter repeated and she paused. Then, scurried away.
      Naomi glanced at him, her eyes asking the questions. Dexter just shrugged, picking up the bag and walking out of the stable, leaving Naomi standing there, perplexed.

         Whatever happened here?

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