They finished their dinner together and afterward Steve helped his mom clean up and set the dishes into the dishwasher. "Did you put your wash away?" his mother asked, setting the plates neatly into the washer. Steve held the cups and silverware, "Yep, I did that after I got home." He placed the cups alongside next to the plates and set the silverware in the designated silverware basket. "So what are your plans after school tomorrow then? Am I just picking you up?" Steve sometimes wanted his mother to stop asking so many questions, even though they were necessary, "Yeah, you'll just pick me up. The party is at 7, I'll probably stay the night." he explained it in a way he knew she understood everything that was going on and things were settled. "Alright, you can just call me sometime on Saturday and I'll pick you up from wherever you're staying."


Friday morning was a bit of a rush as Steve woke up late due to forgetting to set his alarm but made it to school on time as always. Classes went by normally and for some reason Steve was actually somewhat wanting the party to come sooner. He didn't know if it was because all his friends were going to be there or because he'd never really gone to any parties before. As lunch came around, he walked down to the cafeteria with Sam and his other closest friend James Barnes who Steve nicknamed Bucky, which everyone else went along with. Steve couldn't even remember when he first started calling him that as a nickname. It was just the name he grew up calling him.

"It'll be awesome. Natasha's going too, right?" Bucky asked Steve as Steve walked in between him and Sam. Steve nodded and Sam laughed, "Dude, I'm pretty sure she's got her eyes set on Barton, but I'm not sure." Sam didn't want to bring James down but didn't want to let him get his hopes up either. Bucky just shrugged and smiled, "Well at least I know Connie will be there." Steve just shook his head sarcastically with a small scoff towards his best friend's behavior, "So basically you'll have fun as long as you get a girl in the end." James nudged him with his shoulder, "Stevie you're making me sound desperate. I'll have fun either way- girls just... make it all the much better." Steve rolled his eyes at Bucky for calling him Stevie. "Who you got in mind?" Sam asked as they neared the cafeteria. Steve realized the question was directed towards him and he thought about it before shrugging, "Not really anyone. I haven't really found anyone my type." Sam and Bucky both looked at him and they entered the cafeteria as the usual smell of lunch food drifted through the air. "Not even Peggy?" Sam asked him as they walked over to their usual lunch table. Steve shook his head. They all set their bags down next to their seats and continued to walk over to the growing lunch line of people. "I think her and I are over for good." Bucky raised his eyebrows, "Dude, you two flirt like on and off make up your minds." Though that much was true, it was always Peggy who would start the flirting and not wanting to be rude, Steve would be nice about the conversations and go along with the things she was interested in talking about.

They continued regular conversation in line and got their lunch, taking it back to their table where all their other friends were now sitting. The table consisted of Tony, Pepper Potts- Tony's main girlfriend most of the time, Clint Barton, Natasha, Peggy, Bruce Banner- another one of the smartest people Steve knew, Thor Odinson- kicker of the football team, Jane Foster- Thor's girlfriend, and a few more others including themselves. The three of them sat down and started eating with the rest. There was different conversation sprouting among everyone and while Steve just listened to all of them in general, he reached out to his backpack that was on the floor next to him and unzipped his small pocket in the front and pulled out a plastic bag which contained a single Advil. The headache from his concussion was still bothering him just barely but he could feel that it was almost completely gone. He opened the bag and took it out, reaching for his water bottle at the same time. He quickly just popped it into his mouth and took a drink of his water. "Steve, you popping pills over there." Conversation at the table changed as the people Tony was talking with looked at him. Steve looked up from setting his water bottle back into his side pocket and nodded along sarcastically, "Yes that's exactly what I was doing."

"So you're coming tonight?" Tony asked as Pepper reached for his hand under the table. Steve nodded, "Well it wouldn't technically be a party without me there, would it." A few of the others just laughed at Steve's reply as he remained quite proud about it. Tony raised his eyebrows and went along, "Of course not. It wouldn't at all." He dramatized the sarcasm more while taking his free hand that wasn't holding Pepper's and held it to his chest. In reality they truthfully both looked like idiots while going along with one another's sarcastic comments but because of their popularity status it was played off as something the cool kids do. Steve wasn't really sure if he was going along with Tony's conversation because he felt like he could actually be rude sarcastically but also meaning it deep down or maybe that he was truthfully enjoying a conversation with Tony Stark- whom he'd always thought was nothing but stuck up and cocky.


author's note

hope you guys like it so far :)


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