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"So you finally admit that you like (y/n)?" April asks.

Donnie mutters something at an inaudible level.


"Y-Yes... a little..." he answers shyly.

"About time!" Mikey shouts, "I was about to bring out Dr. Delicate Touch to slap the silly out of you son!"

It was later in the day now and everyone was hanging out in the common area in the lair.

Leo chuckles, "I find it hilarious— outta all people it's Donnie to fall in love first!"

"Nardo I'm not in love— it's just a harmless crush!"

"Either way I am so looking forward to you embarrassing yourself in front of (y/n). That's going to be comedy gold!" Leo says excitedly.

"Hardy Har Har..." Donnie spits annoyed, "Sorry to disappoint but this nerd is too rad and smooth to allow that to ever happen..."

"Yeah, hate to break it to ya: I'm not convinced in the slightest and still cannot wait!"

"Oh c'mon Leo, have some faith in Donnie!" Mikey says.

"Please— it's Donnie..." Leo says.

"If Leo's brain is suddenly replaced with an inanimate object one day, this is why..." Donnie mutters.

"Everyone save your anger and frustration for our patrol later, it will come in handy if we have to smash some bad guys..." Raph says.

"Hey Raphie, brother to brother, please pick us another word instead of "smashing"... it's really misleading..."

"No it isn't." Raph says.

"Yeah, what else could it mean?" Mikey asks innocently.

Donnie opens his mouth to answer Mikey but Raph shoots him a death glare, "Do NOT answer his question..."

Donnie closes his mouth and Mikey tilts his head in the background.

"If you don't let Donnie explain it, then I'm going to..." Leo says amused.

"Ugh please don't..." April groans.

"I don't get it?" Mikey says, "Explain what?"

Leo slowly turns to Mikey with a smirk.

"Don't you dare Leo!" Raph threatens, "I will tell Pops!"

"Why you little snitcH!" Leo complains as he crosses his arms, "How come I never get to have any fun..."

"Because we must preserve Mikey's innocence! He's the youngest." Raph whispers as April aggressively nods in the background.

Mikey pulls out his phone, "No worries fam, I'll google it..."

"nOO!" Raph yells as he slaps Mikey's phone out of his hand.

"Now that was rude..." Mikey says offendedly.

"You'll thank him later..." April explains.

Mikey picks up his phone and crosses his arms,"I doubt that."

While the four bicker in the background, an alarm starts to blare in Donnie's lab.

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