Dr. Donnie

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I sit inside Donatello's lab as I wait for him to return with supplies. A blood droplet slides down from my forehead and splatters onto the cold table I sit upon. Instinctively, I use my sleeve to wipe the side of my face. Oh shit wait— now I've got blood stains on it. Damn it... my goofy aaa brain is really acting up— I'm not myself.

Maybe I legitimately do have a concussion. Just the thought of the injury makes my head start pounding again. Wish my thoughts had an off switch right about now...

To distract myself, I glance around Donatello's laboratory. It was ridiculously huge! I mean, I knew he was into technology and all but I didn't think he was this obsessed...

I wish I had a workspace this big for my entomology and engineering. I would be unstoppable!

I then hear approaching footsteps, "I have acquired the medical supplies you necessitate." Donatello says. He places a large kit next to me on the table and sifts through it.

"First I'm going to sanitize your wound and rid the blood." he explains as he takes a sanitary cloth out. He moves it over to my face and gently begins to wipe my face. I wince a little because it slightly stings.

"Can't believe I got stuck doing this..." he complains.

"Well... play stupid games, win stupid prizes." I tell him.

He snickers, "Ha, you called yourself a stupid prize..."

I roll my eyes, "Screw off..."

"Believe me, I wish I could." he admits. He moves the cloth aside when he finished using it. "Alright listen (y/n), you don't want to be here and I certainly don't want to be here. So let me just get through these few tests to make this as painless as possible for both of us..."

"Tests? What tests? We already know I have a concussion." I say.

"Dumb-dumb I need to see how severe the concussion is."

"But if I'm still breathing—" I start to say before being silenced by Donatello's finger brought to my lips.

"Shh. Stop talking..." he says. He slowly lowers his finger.

He examines the spot where I was bleeding and carefully touches around it. "Good news, you don't need stitches... however, you do have a knot here." He goes back into the medical kit and pulls out a bandaid patch.

"Thanks Dr. Donnie." I say.

"Don't you antagonize me now..." he says while sticking the thick bandaid to my head.

"Everything I do apparently antagonizes you..." I say.

"That is to be expected. Now hold still." He takes out some crazy tech headpiece device, "This will make the process much quicker..." he says with an intimidating grin.

I back away from him, "The fuck you trying to do? Microwave my brain?! You're not putting that sketchy shit on me."

He gasps offendedly, "How DARE you insult my tech in front of me and all my other sensational inventions!"

"If you find that insulting then you will be in for a rude awakening if you keep pissing me off." I say.

He carelessly tosses his invention behind him and it clashes in the background. "You know what? I've had it up to here with you!" he says while gesturing the amount with his hand.

"Oh shiver me timbers!" I say sarcastically, "If you don't shut yo goofy ass up—"

"Seriously I don't think I've ever met someone so annoying before. You are just as irritating as a pebble stuck in a shoe— and I don't even wear shoes!"

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