Growing Feelings

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Donnie and April head to the lab. Donnie carefully shuts the door.

April watches him with concern. "What's the matter D? You look like you've just committed a murder— you didn't commit a murder did you? Where's the body? I'll help you bury it!"

"No— it's not that... something far worse..." Donnie says dreadfully. He eyes around the room hesitantly.

"Far worse?" April questions. "Donnie, please spit it out already! All the theories I am coming up with in my head is starting to hurt!"

"Okay okay— it's just I don't know how to explain any of this or where it even came from. I'm so confused..."

"Hey, it's okay to feel that way. We don't have all the answers all the time— even you! I can help you but I can't if I don't have any context. You feel me?"

Donnie nods, "So um... I hate y/n right?— like I do not get along with them at all..."

"Yeah I was surprised when I found that out because no one else has a problem with them!" she adds.

"Whatever. Anyways, recently I found myself hating them less I guess? I'm sort of starting to have fun arguing with them and I have the most strangest urge to protect them." he explains.

"Aw! You are finally warming up to them! Good thing too— I was hoping that in the long run we could all be friends and be totally chill!" she says happily.

"Um... I wasn't finished..." Donnie says.


"Now don't get me wrong, I still hate them... but whenever something weird happens I get all gross and mushy on the inside..."

"Something weird like...?"

"Like physical contact, when they touch me or when they tease me— i-it flusters me so much and I hate it! And what's worrying me a lot is that I usually call them "sweetheart" as an insult but it's not feeling like an insult anymore! I have not a clue of what is happening to mE!" Donnie rambles.

April blinks a few times and then her expression slowly begins to curl into a fangirl smile. Little squeaks escape from her mouth and she begins to jump up and down clapping.

"What? What! Why are you acting like you've won the lottery? Am I missing something here? Stop that." he says.

"Omg Donnie— do you know what this means?!"

"Obviously not. I literally just implied that I didn't..."

"You like y/n!"

"I mean, I guess since I don't necessarily hate them as much anymore..."

"No Donnie— you like-like them!"


"Doesn't it all make sense?! I mean— it explains everything! You totally have a crush!"

Donnie's face heats up, "N-No! Please don't say that! There has to be another reason... I-I can't do feelings! I hate feel!"

"Heh, well you better buckle up because you are in for a ride down the tunnel of love— wait, are you blushing right now?! Omg that is so cutee!!" she cheers.

Donnie buries his face in his hands, "I AM NOT— YOU AREN'T HELPING!"

April chuckles, "No no D, You got it all wrong! This is good! Acknowledging the situation is a start— you need to accept these feelings or it's only going to get worse from here..."

"There are no feelings to accept! I'm telling you it has to be something else..."

"What else is there? Denying that you are in love is only going to make you fall harder!"

Not Your Edgy Bitch (ROTTMNT Donnie X Reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora