「 13 」

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Luca looked around as he walked down the hallway filled with students all around different ages and grade years. He couldn't help the scowl that made its way onto his face as he saw how kids around his age pushed and shoved around kids who looked to be more petite and younger than they were.

He wanted to go over and stop them but eventually decided against the idea and continued his way down the hallway feeling guilty for not doing anything to help them. As he looked around the sight of a boy around his height-if not taller-was messing with three girls who were clearly much shorter than him and clearly uninterested. Luca noticed how the boy would try to get overly flirty with two of the girls who looked to be around the same height while he would purposely push around the shorter girl.

What the hell.❞ He muttered to himself, he seen how one of the girls looked uncomfortable while the other two looked like they were about to rip the boy's head from his body.

Luca hated confronting people because it felt like it created so much drama but he didn't care about that whenever he saw girls getting bothered by boys that can barely even spell respect.

He was about to walk over to the girls so he could help them but was suddenly stopped by someone grabbing his wrist, he gritted his teeth in annoyance then whipped his head around in order to see the person who stopped him from walking. Once his eyes landed on Shu his gaze softened almost immediately then he fully turned around to face the shorter boy in front of him.

Hey Shu.❞ He greeted with a smile.

Shu returned the smile as he let go of his wrist then began speaking. ❝Hey Luca, and uh sorry for grabbing your arm like that.

It's no problem, you just startled me a bit that's all.❞ Luca said dismissively.

Ok then.❞ Silence then fell over the two as they had no idea what to say next.

Luca awkwardly cleared his throat catching Shu's attention, then asked. ❝So was there a reason you stopped me in the first place?

Shu pursed his lips into a thin line staying quiet for a moment before speaking, ❝Uh..yea there was. I just wanted to apologize for what happened yesterday and I was planning on giving you back your hoodie.❞ He answered.

It's fine Shu, what happened yesterday wasn't your fault, well technically it wasn't anyone's fault but anyways the others were just doing what they always do. Also you can keep the hoodie, I already told you I have a lot of them at home.❞ Luca replied.

I know but I just can't help but feel like you're only letting me keep it because they kept bothering us.❞ Shu said looking away from the taller's intense gaze, that was somehow capable of making Shu feel like he was much smaller compared to the latter.

The blonde sighed and looked him back in the eyes. ❝I let you keep it because you were cold, not because they kept messing with us. I honestly don't even care about that so stop feeling bad ok?

Shu smiled and nodded his head at his words.

Luca gradually returned the smile, ❝Good, and by the way Fu-chan was right. I couldn't take it back from you because you look so cute in it.❞ He blurted out without realizing.

Heat crept up from Shu's neck up to his face causing it to turn red, he covered his face with his arm as he continued to look away. The fact that he was currently still wearing the blonde's hoodie didn't help his heart that thumped loudly in his chest.

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