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𝑳𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝑲𝒂𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒉𝒊𝒓𝒐.

Luca Kaneshiro is a senior in high school and is 17years old; he has long blonde hair that's about shoulder length, but he likes to wear some of it in a ponytail that's placed on the right side of his head and a little hair clip that's placed a few centimeters in front of the ponytail.

He is a football player along with a few of his friends. He stands at a height of 178cm, which is pretty tall. Anyways, Luca is a very popular guy, many people adore him.

Why? You may ask, well some may say he stands out because of his outgoing and friendly personality, or his good looks, or his voice or simply the fact that he's on the football team. Sometimes you may hear two or maybe even three but majority would pick one thing that makes him stand out to them.

Luca is good at almost everything, you could even call him perfect. But something that he struggles with the most is Chemistry. He tries his hardest but he could never understand anything about it, he finds the subject extremely difficult.

Overall Luca is just a perfect person in the eyes of everyone around him, he's always so happy that nobody could ever assume anything was wrong, right? Well to say the least, looks can be deceiving.


The teacher walked around handing out everyone's test results, once he had gotten to Luca he stood in front of him then handed him his paper with a frown on his face.

Sorry mr.Kaneshiro, maybe next time.❞ He said then quickly moved onto the next person in order to give them their test paper.

Luca sighed heavily and let his eyes scan over the paper seeing 50%F written in red on the top right side in the corner.

Yea, next time.❞ He muttered to himself then messily stuff the paper inside of his already unorganized bag.

The sound of the bell rung throughout the school informing all students and teachers that school had finally ended for the day. Luca grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder before making his way towards the classroom door along with the other students.

Luca can I talk to you for a moment.❞ This caused the tall male to stop in his tracks and revert back into the classroom going over to the teachers desk and waited until there was no one left in there but himself and the teacher.

You wanted to speak to me?❞ He asked.

The teacher sighed and looked up at Luca, ❝You do know that you're failing my class right?❞ He started off.

Yes, I am highly aware of that fact.

Look Luca I know your trying your best everyday but your in a position where you might not be able to graduate. If you don't pass the next test coming up then it's official that you won't be able to graduate.❞ The teacher explained.

Luca stood there in shock, ❛I'm not going to be able to graduate? Fuck what would mom and dad think about this if they heard it.❜ He thought as he started to panic.

But there is a way for you to prevent this.❞ The teacher spoke snapping Luca out of his thoughts.

What is it?

Well for one you could start by studying more, and the other is getting a tutor.❞ He stated.

A tutor? You sure there aren't any other ways than that? I have football practices that I need to attend.❞ Luca stated, completely in disbelief.

It's your choice Luca, either get the tutor to help you pass this test or just fail it and not be able to graduate.❞ The teacher stated.

Luca groaned and rolled his eyes at the thought of having a tutor but decided to pick it anyway. He was in no position to decline the offer in the first place.

Fine.❞ He said.

The teacher smiled at him then said. ❝Great! You're tutor is going to be Shu Yamino, he's my smartest student out of all of my classes.

He's just a nerd.❞ Luca mumbled.

What was that?❞ The teacher asked confusedly.

Luca shook his hands in a no manner, ❝Nothing but when is the test? And when am I supposed to be meeting up with that guy?❞ He asked.

The teacher stared at him skeptically before shaking it off and responding. ❝You'll meet with him this Thursday. And the test is two weeks.

Luca's eyebrows furrowed into that of a discomfort expression, ❝Wha-what?! But I have practice that day, can't we just doing it some other time?

Absolutely not.

Luca groaned out of annoyance, ❝Can I leave now?

Sure, oh and by the way he'll be at the Library so meet him there during lunch.❞ The teacher said with a wide grin on his face.

Fine can I just go now please.❞ Luca asked for the second time.

Of course, I'll see you on Thursday then. Have a good day mr.Kaneshiro.❞ Luca rolled his eyes for the second time before walking out of the classroom and headed towards the gymnasium in order to access the boy's locker room.


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