「 10 」

725 33 41

Shu covered his mouth as a yawn slipped past his lips, he wiped away the small tears that started to build up in the corner of his eyes from yawning all morning.

As he continued his way down the empty hallway he suddenly heard his name being called from behind, so he turned around and saw Ike jogging over to him.

Oh, hey Ike.❞ Shu greeted him once he was in ear reach.

Ike panted breathlessly, he took a few minutes to catch his breath then spoke. ❝Hey Shu have you seen Luca anywhere?

Shu furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, ❝No, why?❞ He answered.

Because that idiot was supposed to meet me in the student council room before classes started but he never came.❞ Ike explained, clearly pissed off.

Ohh, but I just got to school so I haven't really seen anyone but you. Sorry.❞ Shu said.

Ike sighed then shook his head, ❝Your fine Shu, you don't need to apologize.❞ He said with a smile.

Shu smiled back and nodded. ❝Well I got to go now, see you later Ike.

See you later Shu.❞ Ike retorted then turned around going back down the hallway in order to find Luca.

Shu shook his head after watching Ike disappear from his sight then continued his way down the empty hallway. As he made his way over to the staircase he heard the door to the janitor's closet creak open. He froze in his spot, he didn't know if he wanted to turn to see why it opened or just make a run for it up the stairs next to him.

Shu.❞ A soft voice called out to him.

Shu slowly turned to his right in order to face the door of the closet, ❝Why does a closet know my name?❞ He asked.

What? I'm not a closet.❞ The person retorted.

Shu confusedly stared at the creak in the door trying to figure out who was inside. ❝If your not a closet then who are you?

Before the person could respond they suddenly heard someone calling Shu's name.

Ike?❞ Shu mumbled and the person in front of him heard it.

As the footsteps started to get closer the closet door had suddenly opened and the mysterious person grabbed Shu's arm dragging him into the closet, then they closed the door but they left it cracked open enough so they could see outside.

Shu stood still in the small space with his back pressed against the wall, luckily the door was still cracked open so there was some light shining into the very small space. He took this chance and glanced over at the person who pulled him into this. He squinted as he looked at the person, seeing golden hair and purple eyes.

Luca?❞ Shu said aloud. The called boy snapped his eyes over in his direction confirming that it was indeed him.

What are you doing—❞ Shu was cut off by Luca covering his mouth with his hand then brought a finger up to his own lips, silently telling him to be quiet.

Luca looked back out the crack in the door to see Ike standing with his back facing them, ❝I could have sworn I seen Shu come this way.❞ Ike mumbled to himself.

He turned around and saw the crack in the door, ❝That should be closed,❞ He said then walked closer and closed the door. ❝I better head to class before I get into any trouble.

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