ASA-BFB 2: Please Don't Eat Anyone

Start from the beginning

"Dora, Ice Cube, Cake and Marker all received 829 votes each! So they're safe!" Four announced, drawing a line above each of their respective doodles to roughly represent the number.
Cake yelped out and dodged the cake that was thrown at him while Marker caught it with his hands and sniffed it. "...It smells clean," He muttered aloud and leaned away from it. Dora didn't react at all when the cake hit her face while Ice Cube cried out a happy, "Yeah!" as she caught her cake.

"Wait," Eggy spoke out. She nervously and slowly began to frown as the gears in her mind clicked. "But that means..." "That's right!" Four cried out. "It's down to Eggy and Stapy."
"Well it has to be Stapy!" Foldy cried out. "Without him, we wouldn't have even gotten the basket." Eggy scoffed and shot a glare her way. "You know Foldy. None of us would be up for elimination if you had just passed the staple onto Marker earlier."
"Hey come on!" Foldy frowned. "Give me some slack. Stapy might've hit it." She paused. "Eventually." At Eggy's eye roll, she glared at her and defensively cried out, "Hey maybe if Clock's hands were faster, we wouldn't be here!"

"Hey hey now, cut it out you two," Two cut in. "You all tried your best and in the end, your team made a grievous error." "An error?" Clock cried out in offence, narrowing his eyes at them.
"Yeah, losing!" They laughed out and clapped hands with Four. "Nice one," He complimented. "Thanks."

Stapy sighed as he lowered himself, catching Marker's attention. "Stapy, is everything alright?" He asked his friend, getting him to peak up. "Come on Marker... we all know who's getting out."
"If you're thinking Eggy, then you're wrong actually!" X cried out, launching the cake into Stapy's surprised face with the tray, muffling his reaction.
With that, Four cried out, "Stapy is safe with 2,496 votes."

"Wait..." Cake frowned as he and Clock turned to look at a nervous Eggy.
"That's right!" Two cried out. "Eggy is the first to be eliminated from ASA-BFB with 4,171 votes!" Four finished. "That's the most ever!" X cried out, hopping back onto his feet. "Oooh yeah!"

Eggy sighed out and shut her eyes. "Well... there's no use in dwelling with it now." She glanced towards Stapy, and trying her best to keep any annoyance out of her voice as she told him, "Congrats Stapy." He frowned and sunk lower as she turned away from him to face her friends.
"Sigh." She stared at a frowning Cake and Clock. "Well since I'm going away, could you do me a favour and tell Teardrop-?"

Everyone jumped back as Eggy was sucked up into Four's... head with a similar, less painful screech.
Four blinked.

"Congrats Stapy!" Foldy happily cried out, running up to her friends. "You're safe!"
He slowly blinked and glanced downwards to the ground. "Yeah," He dejectedly agreed. Marker frowned at his friend's unusual behaviour. "Is everything okay?"
"I just." He breathed in and lifted himself, turning to face his friends. "I feel bad." "Aww come on Stapy." Foldy nudged his side lightly. "Don't be like that, look at it like this." She offered him a small, friendly smile. "It was you or her." Stapy leaned back and snapped towards her with wide eyes. "And ultimately, it was out of your control. And well..." She slid closer towards a still stunned Stapy. "It's for the better of the team, so come on!" She faced him with her usual, bright smile as she encouraged, "So brighten up!"

"I... uh." He stared at his friend's polite smile. He dropped and sighed out, "Alright." He leaned back and smiled at her dismally. Foldy smiled wider and lightly kicked him. "Aw yeah! That's the spirit Stapy!"
Liy huffed out from where she was watching.

"I wonder what she wanted us to tell Teardrop," Cake said aloud to Clock and himself. Clock dropped and sighed out, "Well, we'll never know." He turned to face his friend. "So let's just focus on the game right? Since Eggy probably would've want us to." He glanced towards Four safely from a distance. "Like recovering the dead contestants."

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