The wedding night

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Collins's POV
Seems like she is inexperienced in kissing. I bit her lips harshly and kissed her roughly.

That is just the beginning of her suffering in this marriage. I will make sure she runs away from this marriage.

Today I am supposed to make love or have sex with her just like married couples do but whatever I ain't doing any of that shit. I will just go work my ass off after, I will go to the club and look for a random girl to bang.

Ellen's POV
I looked around for Collins and couldn't find him in the reception, so I went to one of his bodyguard and was told he had gone to work.

I felt really heartbroken that he ditched our wedding reception for his business.

How could I forget how much of a workaholic he is. He doesn't joke with his business.

How could I forget this is an arranged marriage.

I found the nearest room, entered inside and cried out my balls. Soon, I went out to attend to the guest and finally, the day came to an end.

I went to his house. At one glance, I could tell everything about the house is exclusively expensive and then I met a maid that directed me to my room and gave me the rules of the house which I read with understanding.

I went into my bedroom and pulled off from my wedding dress, freshened up, wore my PJs and went to bed. Soon, I drifted into slumber.

I woke up to the sun piercing into my eyes. I got up, freshened up and got ready for the day's activities. Going down, when the maids saw me, they all halted to greet me including the chief maid who I saw is quite an old lady

“Good morning ma'am”
They all greeted
‘Good morning how was your night, hope you slept well?' Said the chief maid
Yes I did really enjoy my sleep
You all can call me Ellen. Ma'am sounds like am some sort of old woman
They all smiled and one of the maids said seems like you are a nice person and then she smiled
‘Thank you' I said and then they served me my breakfast and I ate happily while chatting with them and then I decided to pop up the question about their boss my husband's cold nature and I got to know more about him but out of all they said, one phrase rung in my head like a bell

“The boss doesn't love and it dawned on me that I was going to be in a loveless marriage all my life. Anyway, what was I expecting....that he will love me?

To be honest with myself, I don't know what wrong I did to deserve such bad lucks in my life, from loosing my mom at a tender age, to my father being heartless and greedy to selling me off to a man I know nothing about and then leaving in a loveless marriage with a ruthless man. Right now, I was lost in my thoughts but I was snapped out of it by a maid snapping her finger in front of me that made me come back from my journey of my thoughts, to reality.

I also learnt he is a one night stand guy and never brings any woman near his house or property except the hotel and also a Ruthless boss that had no weakness whatsoever and the most feared and powerful man in the city. One mistake, and you would be gone.

Soon, I saw Collins enter the mansion looking elegant though I could tell he was stressed out. He was no longer on his wedding suit of yesterday. He had changed to a casual outfit and I must admit he was looking dashing.

After discussing with the maids, I went up to my room. On my way, I bumped into him and he looked all irritated and disgusted. I quickly apologized.

Just as I was about leaving, he grabbed my wrist and said“focus on satisfying me"

I could already feel the tears trickling down. I quickly wiped it away and scurried to my room.

What does he think of me as? A slut?
Do I look that cheap to him?" So, my body now belongs to him simply because I married him?

I cried out my balls and after that, I called Flora telling her all what I Know of the devil called my husband.

Flora's POV
Hey baby girl
How's your marriage to the devil.
Hope he doesn't hurt you in anyway. If he does I sure will break his head.

No no. He didn't do anything like that just that I found some creepy things about him. Just then, she began explaining what she knew about him to me but I could tell she was in tears.

Then, I heard his voice across the phone but I didn't get to hear anything again. I tried calling her but it said ‘switched off'. I am beginning to get scared for my best friend. I hope she is alright. I hope that beast hasn't pounced on her.

I tried her number again and it said ‘switched off'.

If that bastard of a father didn't sell her off to that Ruthless beast of a husband.

Yes you heard me right. Her father sold her off to pay up the debt he was owing and now his debt has been cleared.


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