"It's like your deep code sustained damage even though your render is mostly unscathed. I've never seen anything like that"

"I wouldn't call any part of me unscathed" Jet muttered. Aside from the arm itself just about every muscle in his body was shaking and exhausted.

"But really your arm should have derezzed. How can your base code be damaged without compromising the whole arm?" Paige asked.

"We users are built to survive. If something doesn't immediately kill us, we're hardwired to keep healing " Jet answered as Sam continued to flip through the code and mutter under his breath.

Paige leaned over, scanning the code with narrowed eyes.

"Youll need to start rebuilding here" she pointed to a fractured line.

Sam blinked "Huh, I think you're right"

Rachel's tight voice came over the link

"Hey Sam, you might want to hurry it up. Weve got a problem"

Jet thunked his head back against the stone "Whhaaaaattt a PROBLEM? NO! Weve never dealt with any of those before"

"Cut the sarcasm Jet I'm serious" Rachel was both reproving and cool. Which was more effective in making him click his teeth shut than her yelling would have been.

Sam huffed "What's up Rachel?"

"Tron and Mara are down the crevice to at your 3 o'clock. About 50 meters. They need back up" Roy's voice came urgently.

"Meters? What are those? Please use freedom units" Jet muttered. He panted between clenched teeth as another wave of pain lanced through his arm.

"Your friends are trapped in a hole half a football field away. Do I need to be clearer?" Roy grumbled.

"See, football fields actually are a universal unit of measurement"

Sam motioned for Jet to lean forward, his words coming out in a rush "Ok, patch job is done. Its gonna be shaky but at least this'll cut down on the pain and let you use the arm"

Jet leaned forward and let Sam dock the disc.

He blinked, feeling no change.

"What a hack Sam. Nothing hap.." Then his arm bone snapped back into place.

"GAAAAH FFUUURREAKING FRICK" Jet coughed out a yell. Sam slapped a hand over his mouth to quiet him, his neck craned to see over the rock.

"Quiet Jet" He growled.

Jet nearly bit him. Nearly. He very strongly considered it. But the pain in his arm left like water down a drain and his anger was replaced with cool relief.

But Sam still hadn't let go of his face. And Jet was petty by nature. He accepted that about himself. He stuck out his tongue and licked the hand covering his mouth.

"GUH! Yuck! Jet you goddamn preschooler!" He hissed.

"If you two are done bickering, Paige has already started down into that crevice" Roy said tiredly.

Both men blanched at this. Then turned to see that Paige indeed had her back to them and was slowly making her way down a slope that lead into a deep well of shadow, about half a football field away.

Sam scrambled to his feet and started to jog after her.

"This is gonna be fun" Jet winced and bolted after them.

"So it sounds like Mara is able to move she's bouncing around like crazy. But Tron hasn't moved for awhile. I'm not sure what kinda state he's in" Rachel started to explain as the two men made it to the edge of the hole and started to scramble after the medic.

Tron: DeliveranceWhere stories live. Discover now