Chapter 17 - Epiphany

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The fighting pit was a huge open circular arena, formed with stone structure. It served as a staging ground, provided the spectators with entertainment. Right now those seating areas were almost packed as more bad bloods swarmed in. 

Jane stood in the center of the sand pit, her eyes swept the place and she frowned. Seemed like every bad blood in the Blood Talons came to watch her execution, the huge crowd surprised her. Doubtlessly, Sa'kar wanted to make an example out of her to send a message. She honestly felt a little flattered. After all, she worked very hard to piss their clan leader off.

Jane shifted her gaze, looked upward. She saw Gahtan, Bau'jah, and Ray were being guarded by the Elite Team in the main lounge area, looking at her with worried eyes. Dr. Moreau was at Ray's side, being attentive to her every medical needs should she needed. Next to them, the clan leader, Sa'kar occupied the cushioned chair. His advisor Shur'ie stood beside him. There was a huge table containing cornucopias of fruits, meats and drinks that were presented for Sa'kar to enjoy.

Once the crowd filled the arena, Sa'kar raised from his chair and all bad bloods became quiet, then he looked at his captured prisoners. "You simple-minded fools, thinking you would stand a chance against me? I have long ago learned the advantages of patience. And now you will know pain and suffering for your transgressions. I can see that you all care for her. So I arranged a far more entertaining show for you lot to enjoy. I wonder what her beautiful face would look like on a stick. It must be a sight." He rumbled diabolically after seeing them bristled in their metal cuffs.

Sa'kar's black talons tapped on his wrist gauntlet, and he drawled out. "Sit tight. Enjoy the show."

The torches burned in scones, lit up the entire arena. Jane looked at the jubilant crowd around her, and she flipped them off with her middle finger. All the bad bloods looked upward, confused. She dropped the offensive hand gesture, shook her head with an exasperated sigh.

Then a blood-curdling hissing sound made the hair in the back of Jane's neck stood up. She spun around, seeing a black, tall creature with long tail entered the pit. It screeched at her. Her face turned ashen.

"Oh my god. It's a xenomorph." Ray almost fainted.

Gahtan's blood ran cold. He struggled against his restraints, made a run to the sand pit below. His attempt, of course, was subdued by the guards. Clenching his jaws, he gritted his inner teeth in rage as he took the beating silently, not giving them the satisfaction of an entertaining pain response.

Shur'ie glanced at the green hunter before he turned his eyes to Jane, then said. "Give her a weapon to defend herself. It wouldn't be much of an entertainment if she died too soon."

Sa'kar purred in agreement, tossing his sword into the sand pit generously. Reveled in the bloodshed that was about to come, the crowd shouted in excitement when the chains on the hard meat snapped.

Soft meat versus hard meat.

They were betting on how long the ooman could last in the ring.

Jane ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The thunderous stomping behind her told her the alien creature was closing in. She grabbed the sword, jumped out of its away. Bau'jah and Gahtan were shouting above her, warning her to avoid its spiked tail, acidic blood and inner mouth. Everything happened so fast, she didn't have time to ask them the creature's weaknesses.

Sweat covered Jane's skin as she panted, and blood started to stain her clothes in various parts of her body. The creature was formidable with its tail and tough exoskeleton. She had learned that the hard way. Playing defense would only wear her out, then get her killed. She knew she had to play offense, outsmart it.

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