Chapter 7 - Enlightenment

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The next day, they resumed their training and sparring schedule. Things seemed to be back to the normal routine again. At least for him. He was pompous as usual, especially after he had mastered her Wing Chun. The way she saw it, he enjoyed his achievement a bit too much.
She didn't need to run her mind boundlessly over his display of quiet confidence to know that he was savoring this - her defeat - by using her skills which she had taught him, against her. The irony of this had made her burn with anger. But, that wasn't the only thing she felt today.

Jane was backed into the corner of the sparring room, her hands pressed against his bare chest to stop his further advancement. Ghost halted, looking down at her. His facial expression was annoying. From his deep chuckles and human equivalent of narcissistic smirk, she knew he was enjoying the victory once again.

Yes, she had lost, again. That fact made her want to grip his dreadlocks so bad that she had to hold back the urge to retaliate as she stared at them. Jane asked herself why not just do it? Then she reminded herself. Ah right, that's why.

After yesterday, they had come to an agreement: no breasts grabbing and dreadlocks gripping during sessions. It seemed like a fair trade at that time. Too bad. She really would like to see his angry face again. Maybe it was a mistake to strike that deal.

If she had to be honest to herself, she kinda liked his touch, at least the idea of being touched by him wasn't repulsive like she thought it would. It all just happened too fast yesterday. And every time when she thought about his puzzled face, she couldn't help but to find him adorable. For someone who was clueless like him, he sure knew where to touch. She grinned.

Now that he got her cornered at close range, Jane stared at his green body with black speckles and then shifted her focus to her hands which were placed on his broad chest. A wild idea drove her to roam her hands against him as subtly as possible, feeling his smooth skin growing hot under her palms, and his solid muscles vibrated when he chuckled over his triumph.

Such a strong man. She thought, completely forgot their sparring as she breathed in his natural masculine scent.

This feels... nice. Admitting that had made her blush.

"You are not focused, female." Gahtan said coldly after he had apparently noticed her absent-minded expression. His green eyes followed her hands on his chest before he turned his attention back to her, wondering what had distracted her mind. "Distraction during sparring or training is punishable by flogging."

"I'm not distracted." Jane countered with flushed cheeks, embarrassed, like a mischievous schoolgirl got caught. She quickly pulled her hands away from him.

"Dishonesty is also punishable." Gahtan harshly remarked as he gave her face a quick glance, this was the first time he was able to read her facial expression.
Realized the female was lying, he lifted her chin to look at her in the eye.

Jane looked away, eye contact was something she didn't feel comfortable to engage right now. Besides, she could not think of an excuse. But when he placed his hand on her chin, forced her to look up. The moment she stared into his green eyes, she exploded, this was too much.

"God, you are insufferable, you know that? You with your huge ego and pride bullshit, not to mention that stupid, condescending tone of yours. You think you're the boss and can punish me just because you're h..." the word hot almost slipped out of her mouth, luckily she caught it just in time, and she regrouped, "just because you're strong?! Don't you ever forget that I kicked your ass once. Bare-handed." Jane retorted to hide her embarrassment behind her acting facade.
His gaze on her was unsettling, she didn't like being so openly exposed, she didn't want to admit he was right. But she knew her argument sounded weak, absolutely less convincing.

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