I'm glad she's letting it go and I follow her across the shop, where the darker dresses are. I run my hands over the different materials. Silk and cotton. Burgundies and purples. They're all so beautiful; I've always had a soft spot for fashion.

I never wear darker colours because Amory colours are creams and whites. Me, my brothers and my mom are expected to adhere to it, modesty and primness. I don't loathe my fashion sense. I love it but I've also always wanted to explore.

My mind drifts and a smile starts at my lips.

"Black." I mutter, turning to Aurelie, "I want to wear black."

Aurelie pulls out a dress from the rack in this flourishing fashion, holding it up. When she looks at me, I'm already smiling. Her grin is wide, "Try it on. Now."


"Don't you look mighty fine?" I raise my eyebrows, purposefully scanning my gaze down their body.

Luca looks at me like he wants to punch me.

What's new, huh?

He leans against the counter besides me, a drink in his hand. I've not seen much of him or Hudson recently. Probably because him and Ria are wrapped up with one another and focused on Benji, or college. We're all intending to buy an apartment in NYC together which might be absolute chaos.

He also looks ill so I'm pretty sure he's wearing himself out.

"Are you sleeping, dude?" I ask and he doesn't look at me, gaze on the raucous party around us. It booms and builds, only getting bigger with every passing minute. Lights and music and a whole lotta debauchery.

His lips lift a little at that and I realise why when Ria comes into his eye-line, "Like a fucking baby."

Ew. I literally almost shiver. It's pretty difficult to not think about your best friends fucking when every time they look at each other, it's like they're mentally tearing each others clothes off.

Ria's with Valencia, the both of them dancing in the midst of the party. She knows what she's doing, taunting Luca but I'm not focused on them.

It's Aurelie's birthday. I'm hoping - pretty fucking desperately - that a certain best friend of hers makes an appearance. If not, I may - to put it lightly - dowse myself in fire because I miss her.

I saw her like a couple days ago but I miss her. I'm filled with a room of people and I crave her presence more than anybody else here. That delicate smile of hers.

Hudson weaves his way through the crowd, coming to stand besides me on the other side. He looks fucking decrepit. Like a corpse. Ignoring the decaying state if my brooding friends, I look between the two of them and grin, "Aw."

They both turn to look at me. Already glaring before I even speak.

"You're like two cutesie bodyguards." I say and immediately, they're rolling their eyes and cursing at me. I laugh and hurriedly dodge from Luca about to whack me upside the head, "Okay, chill! Protect me. Do not harm me."

"Who were you looking for?" Hudson asks, a drink in his hand too. I swallow, averting my attention to anything but alcohol. There's gonna be a lot of it tonight.

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