Chapter 12: Feral Dragon

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Leo looked at me, sweat dripping from his face. I could sense his and everyone else's fear as they knew I could kill them quickly.

"So, are you going to attack me or stand around?"

Astral was the first to attack me, lunging forward with her six energy blades out. She jumped into the air and aimed them in front of her, firing a massive energy beam. I smiled and jumped into the air, flying through Astral's attack. Astral's face turned to shock as I appeared in front of her, landing a punch to her face that knocked her back.

I charged at Astral, landing a knee strike to her stomach and knocking her toward the ground with an overhead punch. Astral hit the ground, and I charged at her, landing a heavy punch to her stomach.

"I don't know who you are, but all I know is that I'ma plant me a dumbass tree with your corpse!"

As I said those words, I picked up Astral and slammed her into the ground, slicing it in half with a shockwave. Astral flew out of the separated rock.

"I am an android created by the people of Atlantis for the sole purpose of defeating Symbiant. However, as the monster Symbiant is locked away, my new purpose is defeating you!"

Astral surrounded her body in an aura and charged at me. She threw her energy blades at me, but I dodged the attacks. Astral tried to throw a punch, but I grabbed her arm and tossed her aside.

Leo, Yuki, and Yuutsuna ran toward me, their weapons at the ready. Yuki and Yuutsuna used an invisibility spell as Leo jumped into the air.

Leo lunged toward me, slamming an energy sphere against my shoulder, but due to the power difference, his attack caused him to bounce off of me, and I kicked him away.

I turned around, landing a punch to Yuki's and Yuutsuna's stomachs.

"Turning invisible won't help you, as I can sense your energy!"

Astral got up and started to surround her body. She lunged at me and quickly vanished, taking me in surprise as she landed a kick to the back of my head, launching me away. I got up and noticed some blood when I wiped my mouth.

"So, you copied my current stats and made them your own. Impressive. Too bad you'll be a pile of scraps soon, android."

I charged at Astral and threw a punch, but she dodged my attack. Astral grabbed my tail and tossed me to the ground, firing an energy beam at me. I flipped around, landing safely on the ground as I looked at the energy beam hurling toward me.

"Dragon Blast"

I fired an energy sphere that tore through Astral's energy beam like butter. Astral saw the attack coming and quickly dodged it but left herself wide open. I immediately flew toward her and grabbed her with my tail, throwing her toward the ground.

Astral got up from the ground and watched me slowly land on the floor. She looked at Leo and the others, who Autumn was healing with her staff.

"Never expected I would have to use this power again, but here it goes. Mega Drive activate!"

A burst of light emerged from Astral's body as she transformed into her Mega Drive state. Astral's shirt changed to reveal her stomach, and her skirt became shorter, revealing her purple and olive drab bloomers. She gained purple metallic-like boots, purple and white arm gloves, and purple headphones with two spikes on the top. Astral's body also changed as her breasts grew, and she became 5'1.

I stepped back, shocked, as Astral's power shot up twentyfold.

"Heh. Not bad. I guess you still have some surprises up your sleeve."

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